2014-10-27 13:57 GMT+01:00 Roberto Galoppini <roberto.galopp...@gmail.com>:

> 2014-10-23 8:20 GMT+02:00 Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org>:
>> On 01/10/2014 David Nalley wrote:
>>> Roberto and others from Sourceforge have set up a proof of concept for
>>> the SF-based replacement for Apache Extras. You can take a look below.
>>> Comments/Input welcome.
>>> https://sourceforge.net/directory/vertical:Apache-Extras/
>> This was sent to the dev@community list, but seeing the very limited
>> feedback I'm CCing the dev@openoffice.apache.org list too.
>> I can say I managed to build OpenOffice trunk by replacing (and I'm not
>> suggesting that anyone commits this, it is just a proof of concept!)
>> -OOO_EXTRAS=http://ooo-extras.apache-extras.org.codespot.com/files/
>> +OOO_EXTRAS=http://sourceforge.net/projects/oooextras.mirror/files/
>> and
>> -    URL2 = $(OOO_EXTRAS)$(MD5)-$(name)
>> +    URL2 = $(OOO_EXTRAS)$(MD5)-$(name)/download
>> in external_deps.lst after deleting all third-party packages. So the
>> archive seems complete and working.
>> Honestly, with the very long filenames we use,
>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/oooextras.mirror/files/?source=directory
>> is hardly readable, and this should definitely be improved is possible.
> When we mirrored that apparently someone was using oooextras. Now it's
> free to use, so we can easily replace
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/oooextras.mirror/files/?source=directory
> with
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/oooextras
> Also our engineering team is finalizing few changes, hope to be able to
> share a brand new Apache Extras landing page very soon.

Here we go, the new look&feel based on some of your earlier feedback:


Let me know your thoughts, thanks.


> Roberto
>> For the rest, does anybody know the status of the OpenOffice section in
>> Apache Extras?
>> https://code.google.com/a/apache-extras.org/p/ooo-extras/downloads/list
>> Didn't anybody complain so far simply because we haven't tried to upload
>> new auxiliary libraries there after December 2013? Or someone tried and was
>> hit by the new policy of Google Code as applied to Apache Extras? If we are
>> to change, it would be good to know in what way the current solution is
>> broken. My reading was that new uploads were forbidden, and indeed if I
>> login at the above URL I don't see an "Upload file" function, but I used it
>> only once in the past, so I'm not sure I'm looking at the right places.
>> Regards,
>>   Andrea.
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