<orcnote>s inline

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Pescetti [mailto:pesce...@apache.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 23:21
To: d...@community.apache.org
Cc: dev@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Re: Apache Extras PoC

On 01/10/2014 David Nalley wrote:
> Roberto and others from Sourceforge have set up a proof of concept for
> the SF-based replacement for Apache Extras. You can take a look below.
> Comments/Input welcome.
> https://sourceforge.net/directory/vertical:Apache-Extras/

  That page is so ugly, not even its mother could love it?
  That the links to extras are buried in two tiny boxes in 
  a sea of advertisements is just awful.  There needs to
  be more about what this page is a portal too and what the
  extras are.

This was sent to the dev@community list, but seeing the very limited 
feedback I'm CCing the dev@openoffice.apache.org list too.

I can say I managed to build OpenOffice trunk by replacing (and I'm not 
suggesting that anyone commits this, it is just a proof of concept!)
-    URL2 = $(OOO_EXTRAS)$(MD5)-$(name)
+    URL2 = $(OOO_EXTRAS)$(MD5)-$(name)/download
in external_deps.lst after deleting all third-party packages. So the 
archive seems complete and working.

Honestly, with the very long filenames we use,
is hardly readable, and this should definitely be improved is possible.

   Agreed. Although one can see the full name on mouse-over of the file
   entry, even then these are entirely mystery-meat.
      These need to be curated somehow with descriptive information.  
      Perhaps the purpose of these and how they tie into the AOO build
   needs to be explained.  Also, how they may be replaced with later
   ones and what happens with older ones might be useful to know, even
   for AOO devs.
      Is the intention to not make these particularly visible and have
   the SF locations just provide a kind of private parking lot for the
   AOO project?

For the rest, does anybody know the status of the OpenOffice section in 
Apache Extras?
Didn't anybody complain so far simply because we haven't tried to upload 
new auxiliary libraries there after December 2013? Or someone tried and 
was hit by the new policy of Google Code as applied to Apache Extras? If 
we are to change, it would be good to know in what way the current 
solution is broken. My reading was that new uploads were forbidden, and 
indeed if I login at the above URL I don't see an "Upload file" 
function, but I used it only once in the past, so I'm not sure I'm 
looking at the right places.


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