On 28/10/14 18:07, Kay Schenk wrote:
> On 10/28/2014 01:28 AM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
>> On 27/10/14 21:33, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>>> Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
>>>> Well I think we added all languages on Pootle where we see activities or
>>>> interest in working on the translation. Why should we add languages
>>>> where nobody is working on? I don't get it.
>>> That was an example, but still it is one improvement that needs to be
>>> done. Why? Because volunteers are much more likely to be involved if
>>> they can have an idea of what they would be working on, and because we
>>> can't keep volunteers waiting too much.
>>> Concrete example: http://markmail.org/message/usn5khq3imrdibzq Sinhala
>>> (si) was requested two weeks ago and
>>> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/openoffice/trunk/extras/l10n/source/si/
>>> hasn't been imported yet. 
>> The natural way would have been to submit an issue task to integrate it.
>> I am currently don't follow the l10n list in detail and easy miss such
>> requests that are on the mailing list only.
>> Documenting the current process is still a to-do on my long list and
>> it's too bad that we won't make progress with the genlang project. I
>> believe it is dead and nobody really knows enough details to continue
>> (probably).
>> Anyway if somebody feels motivated to work on translation relevant task
>> on Pootle just ask. Don't wait on me until I have documented everything.
>> Asking directly is much more efficient.
>> Juergen
> OK. I have some questions. How often are uploads to Pootle done? How are
> they done? It seems people designated as Pootle admins can do this and
> that's it. The reason I ask is we've had changes to helpcontent and
> these were not in the content I saw on Pootle. I can't find a "time
> stamp" for recent uploads, etc.

not often it requires some work and takes some time because I do it semi
automatic. I didn't spend much time to improve this process. I was more
happy that it worked at all ;-) And with the promising work on genLang
with the outlook to have continuous integration in Pootle and vice versa
I worked around this limitations all the time.

General workflow:
- normal development work ...
- UI deadline for a next release with UI changes
- collect all UI relevant strings and create a new en-US sdf file
- convert sdf -> po
- update Pootle, merge all existing translation with the new po files
- start translation on the new or changed strings until translation deadline
- translation deadline -> grab the new translation from Pootle
- convert po -> sdf -> some basic error checks against the en-US
template -< test build -> check in in svn -> add new languages to build
bots if necessary

The last time we have updated Pootle for AOO 4.0 and after this we have
only improved existing translation. AOO 4.0 was the last release with UI

You see the problem and that it is far from optimal. Jan and the genLang
project were going the in the right direction. Drop the sdf file which
is an unnecessary intermediate format from former times and not really
necessary today. And integrate changes in the po files more frequently
on a regular basis. And have a streamlined process to merge new
translation back into the sources also on a regular basis.

The biggest work in this project was to eliminate the sdf format and
adapt all process to collect UI string in sdf and back to use po files
directly. Jan did all the work in the genlang branch and I am sure if he
get asked directly he will give some support.


>> Probably you are now the only person who has
>>> the skills and the permissions on the relevant systems to help with
>>> this. If you take care of documenting the process in the wiki in
>>> https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Pootle_User_Guide (or a sibling page)
>>> this time, we may be able to delegate it the next time the need arises,
>>> and then maybe find someone who will progressively import the SDF files
>>> to Pootle: keeping only the SDF is really bad since one can't see
>>> progress or submit a quick fix, and if everything is on Pootle we lower
>>> the entry barrier.
>>> Regards,
>>>   Andrea.

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