> On 2014-10 -24, at 11:15, Roberto Galoppini <roberto.galopp...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> 2014-10-24 16:41 GMT+02:00 Rob Weir <r...@robweir.com>:
>> Those who know the history know that Apache OpenOffice is the
>> continuation of the OpenOffice.org project, which itself came from a
>> proprietary suite developed in Germany called StarOffice, which itself
>> started as StarWriter, an application written in 1985 by Marco Börries
>> .
>> So next year, in 2015, will be our 30th anniversary.
>> Any ideas what we might do?
>> For example, does anyone still have a Zilog Z80 (or an emulator) that
>> can run the original StarWriter?
> I'm still a proud owner of a ZX Spectrum Sinclair 48k, never heard about a
> StarWriter app, though. Does it exist, ideas about to get it?
> Roberto

You could ask the originators of the program. Eg, Marco Boerries, now—or was—of 
No. 4 (as in his 4th company), or early (and still at it) developers, many of 
whom are now at Open-X (I think that’s what it’s called), in Hamburg. Perhaps 
Juergen knows.
>> It looks like some emulators here:
>> http://www.z80.info/z80emu.htm#EMU_CPU_W32
>> It might be interesting to show the history of Writer, from release to
>> release, via a set of screen shots (or a movie) showing the evolution
>> of the UI.
>> Regards,
>> -Rob
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