On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 12:32 AM, Andre Fischer <awf....@gmail.com> wrote:

> As you may know, in the past years I have made a couple of experiments
> regarding the
> build system of AOO.  With the resulting experience I
> would now like to start to work on improving the build system.  I have in
> mind a
> "soft conversion" that gradually replaces parts of the existing build
> system, not a big push that takes years to complete and then breaks
> everything.
> I would like to start with some under-the-hood changes to how the
> build process is controlled.  At the moment we have prj/build.lst
> files that control how build.pl builds the dmake modules.  Then there
> are makefiles.mk in directories of dmake modules and finally we have
> makefiles in gbuild modules.  All of them are not makefiles in the
> classical sense, i.e. they seldomly contain directives of how to build
> a target.  They are data files that primarily define dependencies
> between targets or, for example, which object files go into a shared
> library.  They use three different, mostly unspecified and
> undocumented, notations.
> The first work item would be the conversion of these files into a
> unified XML syntax.  At first these XML files would be converted back
> to the old syntax on-demand and on-the-fly so that the old build tool
> chain can still be used.

Q: Could a build change like this just be used for SOME modules without
having to convert back?

> Subsequent steps would then improve or replace
> parts of this tool chain.
> If you don't object to this general plan then I would start the XML
> conversion with the prj/build.lst files as proof of concept.  I would
> also start to write Wiki pages that explain in more detail how the
> current build process works, what its draw backs are, and how, in my
> opinion, it can be improved.
> Best regards,
> Andre
This sounds interesting and I can't wait to see what happens next!

Is this Ant-like? Or can be used by Ant...which we use already for some


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 Only the paranoid survive."
                            -- Andy Grove, Intel Co-founder

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