Am 07/05/2014 11:24 AM, schrieb Hilde van der Laarse:
I downloaded Apache Open Office 4.1.0. So far, so good. But installation
failed; it broke off, and the new version was not installed. I tried
twice - without success. (I now work with version 4.0.1) My operating
system is Windows 7, 64 bit.
What could have gone wrong?
Thank you for your answer.
have you made sure that the download was complete and the file got not
corrupted? If not, please do this first by following the instructions on
the checksum webpage [1].
If the file is OK then you should go to the users mailing list [2] as it
is better suited for installation problems. There are much more people
that could have seen the same problem and then can help better.
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