For the continued success of Apache OpenOffice, "Why can't we all just
get along?"-- Rodney King

On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 3:26 AM, Andre Fischer <> wrote:
> On 24.03.2014 10:22, Herbert Duerr wrote:
>> We're on a good way to a healthy AOO 4.1 release so we should avoid the
>> pitfalls that prevented a timely AOO 4.1 Beta release.
>> Let's examine this negative example a bit further, so we can all learn
>> from it: A commit [1] stopped the Beta and forced the only respin that was
>> needed despite the massive changes+improvements that went into the code
>> base.
>> [1]
>> The commit broke the installation of language packs and this breakage
>> wasn't discussed before. The responsible developer sneaked that train-wreck
>> in with a mega-patch under a non-suspicious comment. I don't remember him
>> discussing the breakage of language packs before and that the creation of
>> patches could negatively influences the usability of the language packs
>> wasn't discussed either.
> I was the one who caused this build breaker and I am sorry for it. It was
> not the first and will not be the last build breaker that I introduced.  I
> did not announce it in advance, because -- maybe this is hard to believe --
> I did not do it on purpose.  I also don't have a crystal ball that let's me
> see my future errors.  Otherwise all my code changes would be error free,
> which, sadly, they are not.  It was an honest mistake in a very complex
> feature (enabling our build system to create patches).  I made the error in
> a file that was directly linked to the new feature.  I did not see, at the
> time, that it would affect the regular build.
>> Of course one could say "It happens", but since that developer gets VERY
>> annoying if "It happens" to anyone else the same casual attitude would be
>> inappropriate.
>> What's worse is that the commit comment [2] for unbreaking the language
>> packs was "Wrong initialization of ." which is completely unusable. It
>> didn't even mention language packs. That they were broken and now they are
>> fixed. And what's that '.' Is this some magic hyper-linked dot? We should
>> better use commit messages that can stand on their own.
> You are absolutely right.  As an explanation, but not as excuse: what
> happend with this particular comment is, if I recall correctly, that I
> accidentally hit RETURN in mid-sentence.  And then I was too lazy to look up
> SVN documentation and find out how to fix the comment.   Instead I relied on
> all the necessary information being present in the issue description (for
> example see and
> provided the correct comment in the issue
> (  I had the
> chance to fix the broken comment when I merged the change into trunk.  But
> that seemed to me to be a bit dishonest, like I where trying to cover up a
> mistake.
>> [2]
>> So in short: Be careful, be professional, don't do unto others what you
>> wouldn't want them do unto you, and yes "It happens" and we have to deal
>> with it. Positively if possible that is.
> I am not exactly sure what that is supposed to mean.  If you have a problem
> with anything I have done, except from the build breaker, please be more
> explicit.
> I just have one wish.  I don't have a problem with my errors being pointed
> out in the public.  After more than a decade as developer in an open source
> project I have grown a thick skin.  But please don't do that to others.
> That might discourage potential developers from joining our project.
> Regards,
> Andre
>> Herbert
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