We're on a good way to a healthy AOO 4.1 release so we should avoid the
pitfalls that prevented a timely AOO 4.1 Beta release.
Let's examine this negative example a bit further, so we can all learn
from it: A commit [1] stopped the Beta and forced the only respin that
was needed despite the massive changes+improvements that went into the
code base.
[1] http://svn.apache.org/r1547732
The commit broke the installation of language packs and this breakage
wasn't discussed before. The responsible developer sneaked that
train-wreck in with a mega-patch under a non-suspicious comment. I don't
remember him discussing the breakage of language packs before and that
the creation of patches could negatively influences the usability of the
language packs wasn't discussed either.
Of course one could say "It happens", but since that developer gets VERY
annoying if "It happens" to anyone else the same casual attitude would
be inappropriate.
What's worse is that the commit comment [2] for unbreaking the language
packs was "Wrong initialization of ." which is completely unusable. It
didn't even mention language packs. That they were broken and now they
are fixed. And what's that '.' Is this some magic hyper-linked dot? We
should better use commit messages that can stand on their own.
[2] http://svn.apache.org/r1573613
So in short: Be careful, be professional, don't do unto others what you
wouldn't want them do unto you, and yes "It happens" and we have to deal
with it. Positively if possible that is.
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