Hi Raphael,

2013/10/7 Raphael Bircher <r.birc...@gmx.ch>

> Hi all
> Am 05.10.13 13:30, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
>  Jörg Schmidt wrote:
>>> Apache could for example give hints/weblinks how to encrypt emails (that
>>> would
>>> help people in dictatorships), but that is not the real object of Apache
>> That would not be relevant to the project. But if someone has a budget to
>> spend in improving Apache OpenOffice, this would be relevant to the
>> project: it would be useful to him to learn that he cannot pay a developer
>> through Apache, but that (with no involvement and no responsibilities for
>> Apache) he can post his request on a third-party website.
> Yes, it's not a topic for the ASF, but for the OpenOffice Community. The
> special thing about OpenOffice is the large userbase. If only one of 500
> users invest 10 dollars, there would be a investment about 1 million
> dollars. Luckely this doesn't happend. I simply want to show how big the
> potential is. To get me right, I talk about investments, and not about
> donnations.
> I plane to start small, with small projects of same 1000 dollars. You can
> see the results faster and good results generate new funds. It is not a
> easy part, and I understand everyone who stay away from this business. But
> it is also a big chance for OpenOffice and of course for developers.

The great challenge will be to define which project could be successfull
with an investment of 1000 or 2000 dollards. For an enduser, a new
functionnality or a new extension can be considered as an easy task, but
it's perhaps a really difficult work for the coder who has to implement it.
Perhaps a way to "solve" this problem could be to publish the propositions
to have advices and a general idea about their feasability and after decide
in which category they could be classified : simple, intermediate or
difficult task. That requires also from the donators to act with an open
spirit, knowing clearly that there's no absolute garantee, knowing only
that they have more chance to win something than with a loto ticket ;-)
But your basis idea seems really interesting.



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