Jörg Schmidt wrote:
From: Raphael Bircher [mailto:r.birc...@gmx.ch]
outside ASF. But maybe we should create a guidline how
Crowdfunding could work on our community, and how we can support such
There's an ongoing discussion at
that may offer some useful information even if the issue is slightly different (a committer, in another Apache project, asking how to properly use crowdfunding sites to gather money and be able to spend more time on the project).
"Crowdfunding" is when:
someone collects money or resources to *independently* make the changes *he*
needs. He can return code to the project, but they must not do.
This is correct. But, unless the scope is too narrow (or the code is 
really bad!) often it will make sense to integrate the developed code 
into Apache OpenOffice, so that the software is improved and the 
community can count on a new developer.
I do not see that apache should set up rules or aids provide for Crowdfounding
because it is not an issue for the AOO project *itself*.
Indeed. But as Rob wrote it could help to have some links at least to 
tell interested people the channels where they can find potential 

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