2013/9/29 Drew Jensen <drewjensen.in...@gmail.com>:
> Darn it - forgot the new URL on gdrive
> https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bx7ZNEXlmR0IMWtzaFN6YW54X0E

Now live on SourceForge Apache OpenOffice project page at


> On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Drew Jensen 
> <drewjensen.in...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Howdy,
>> Alright, well I did not have a chance to retrieve emails last night and
>> this morning then I put a few hours into pushing the quality a bit on the
>> release video.
>> Everything that was exported from AOO in jpeg or png is now exported as
>> SVG, with one exception of the opening screen with daisies had to go out as
>> jpeg and then into gimp for some color refinement.
>> I changed the heme a bit, adding Grey9 for body text.
>> Yellow3/Red7 for title
>> Red7 for URL
>> Red7 for trademarks (ASF and others)
>> Added a flourish to the closing screen (which I could remove if anyone
>> would prefer)
>>  Otherwise, I just grabbed the release notes again and a quick read
>> doesn't appear to require a change in content.
>> I'll assume this is done and put together the templates and flyer
>> templates for upload to the wiki tomorrow.
>> Thanks,
>> //drew
>> On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 12:15 PM, Drew Jensen 
>> <drewjensen.in...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Ok - here it is
>>> ;) Opens with flowers, of course and not just any but I believe some of
>>> the oldest artwork distributed with the package; Daisies.
>>> https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bx7ZNEXlmR0IeE1kMVZzZHhpWkE
>>> In fact I had only planned on using these 4 screens, which is all this is
>>> really, 4 impress screens if you like, as a way to layout a look for a
>>> theme - but it IMO looks good and so I grabbed a voice over clip from what
>>> I did last month and a CC-SA piece of music - I think it's a good face for
>>> the project. It's Saturday noonish and I will be able to check emails later
>>> tonight and could upload any changes Sunday/Monday, so don't hesitate to
>>> make suggestions.
>>> The file above needs the CC-BY-SA (not I did include ND this time)
>>> because of the music, only. I've included the video master I use to
>>> generate the final file here:
>>>  https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bx7ZNEXlmR0Ic0pIR01ER0dndW8
>>> I had intended to drop that file on the wiki and as it is Apache License
>>> 2.0, all parts are original and based on artifacts either in the
>>> distribution or from the project site; The compressed file is still 10 meg
>>> to large for the wiki however, so for today it is there on gdrive.
>>> The source is three draw files and one gimp file, will wait for any
>>> comments requiring a change and after none will zip them up and place on
>>> the wiki under AL2 also.
>>> As for the webart and wallpaper files from the other day - I will update
>>> those on Monday with files matching the look of the video screens.
>>> .02 on the theme as it is (or template perhaps)
>>> - It is predominantly a duo-tone of the logo blue and white [the mat, the
>>> explorer guy in the lower right corner]
>>> - the logo stays in the lower left
>>> - the upper right uses application/tool icons to designate what a video,
>>> or section, is regarding
>>> - the lower right is used for 'campaign' specific information
>>> Font is so far Open Sans 100%
>>> Colors:
>>> Logo Blue
>>> Yellow 3
>>> Red 7
>>> so, it is a start I believe at least.
>>> Thanks,
>>> //drew
>>> On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 11:07 AM, Drew Jensen <drewjensen.in...@gmail.com
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> It's actually ready - I think - I took the Release notes and used that
>>>> to generate a really shot piece. I could not get the final render finished
>>>> before I needed to leave this morning however. If I can I'll push up
>>>> tonight, but likely it will be tomorrow and I must warn you it is not the
>>>> same old OO.o look - so I won't be hurt in the least if folks want some
>>>> changes made ;)
>>>> //drew
>>>> On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 11:03 AM, Roberto Galoppini <
>>>> roberto.galopp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> 2013/9/27 Drew Jensen <drewjensen.in...@gmail.com>
>>>>> > Howdy,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Thanks - maybe someone will.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Folks are quite busy with real work and I won't trouble them with
>>>>> this type
>>>>> > stuff at the moment.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I will push two things up over the weekend and then on Monday or
>>>>> Tuesday
>>>>> > will drop the rest. (Set of Flyers w/template - video theme with
>>>>> templates)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Since no one seems to mind I'm sticking with the following theme:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > AOO-Teal3 (that is the logo color ;)
>>>>> > Grey 6 - text
>>>>> > Red 6 - text
>>>>> > Yellow 3 - highlight text
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I'm also focused totally on Retail marketing and discounting
>>>>> commercial use
>>>>> > of the application, so in everything I'll try to hit things like -
>>>>> building
>>>>> > urgency and driving folks to download.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I will also try to emphasize the forums and template/extension
>>>>> services
>>>>> > more, as best I can.
>>>>> >
>>>>> Look forward to it, please let me know when you want me to upload the
>>>>> new
>>>>> video on Apache OpenOffice project page at SourceForge.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Roberto
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Talk to you soon,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > //drew
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 5:48 PM, Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > > On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 2:14 PM, Drew Jensen <
>>>>> drewjensen.in...@gmail.com
>>>>> > > >wrote:
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > > Hi,
>>>>> > > >
>>>>> > > > Added a couple of wallpaper and web art images to the wiki at:
>>>>> > > >
>>>>> > > >
>>>>> > > >
>>>>> > >
>>>>> >
>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/34022580/AOO-4_0_1-wallpaper.zip
>>>>> > > > and
>>>>> > > >
>>>>> > > >
>>>>> > >
>>>>> >
>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/34022580/AOO-4_0_1-web_art.zip
>>>>> > > >
>>>>> > > > Let me know if any of this can be used - The wallpaper files are
>>>>> 100%
>>>>> > dog
>>>>> > > > food, the web art files in BLUE are straight dog food and the
>>>>> others
>>>>> > > > included a little love from GIMP
>>>>> > > >
>>>>> > > > I tagged two of the wallpaper files with a CC BY_ND license. I
>>>>> did so
>>>>> > for
>>>>> > > > only one reason, I did not want to introduce the new graphics on
>>>>> these
>>>>> > > two
>>>>> > > > pieces and encourage their use as branding items and the license
>>>>> would
>>>>> > > > allow any use, including commercial, but you can not 'riff' off
>>>>> that
>>>>> > > image
>>>>> > > > or any pieces of it.. Now, it doesn't make sense to others here I
>>>>> would
>>>>> > > not
>>>>> > > > be surprised and have no problem removing it. Just let me know.
>>>>> > > >
>>>>> > > > Otherwise, I'll be on-line tomorrow again and will update the
>>>>> other
>>>>> > files
>>>>> > > > then along with some more thoughts on the branding language I'm
>>>>> trying
>>>>> > to
>>>>> > > > establish...which I don't want to do without consent here.
>>>>> > > >
>>>>> > > > Thanks,
>>>>> > > >
>>>>> > > > //drew
>>>>> > > >
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > These are cute! I'm sure someone will have some fun with them. :)
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > --
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > >
>>>>> >
>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> > > MzK
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > "Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is
>>>>> obliged
>>>>> > >  to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't."
>>>>> > >                              -- "Following the Equator", Mark Twain
>>>>> > >
>>>>> >

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