On 02.09.2013 00:48, janI wrote:

I am considering how we can have a smaller footprint on dist and mirrors.

One of the ideas is to have a "pure" exe, "pure" language oxt and "pure"
dictionaries on the physical disk, and the have a more intelligent download

Would it be possible (and preferable) to make a download page, where the

a) selected version (exe)
b) selected (multiple) languages (language pack without dictionary)
c) selected (mutiple) dictionaries.

The choices should be combined into a filename == exe+lang(s)+dict(s).
Which is sent to the server as a download request.

On the server we would have a backend script that packed the items together
just like postprocess/instsetoo does today, so the user would get 1 file.

I know how to make the backend script, but the UI could be a problem ?

While I like the general idea, I don't see how such a flexible download could handle the Windows installer. Our Windows download sets are self-extracting zip archives that basically contain

some redistributable files in redist/
a couple of files that are not important for this discussion.

If the download sets would be created on the server, they would have to put all the required files (.exe, .dll, everything else) in the openoffice1.cab, setup the openoffice400.msi with corresponding lists of files, directories, registry entries, components and features. Then sign the stuff and create the self-extracting zip.

This would be a challenging task during the regular build process. But to this on the download server (possibly a mirror)? I don't see how that could be done.

But I would be glad to be proven wrong,


jan I.

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