On 9/2/13 11:06 AM, sebb wrote:
> On 2 September 2013 09:33, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 9/2/13 12:55 AM, sebb wrote:
>>> On 1 September 2013 23:48, janI <j...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi.
>>>> I am considering how we can have a smaller footprint on dist and mirrors.
>>>> One of the ideas is to have a "pure" exe, "pure" language oxt and "pure"
>>>> dictionaries on the physical disk, and the have a more intelligent download
>>>> page.
>>>> Would it be possible (and preferable) to make a download page, where the
>>>> user.
>>>> a) selected version (exe)
>>>> b) selected (multiple) languages (language pack without dictionary)
>>>> c) selected (mutiple) dictionaries.
>>>> The choices should be combined into a filename == exe+lang(s)+dict(s).
>>>> Which is sent to the server as a download request.
>>>> On the server we would have a backend script that packed the items together
>>>> just like postprocess/instsetoo does today, so the user would get 1 file.
>>>> I know how to make the backend script, but the UI could be a problem ?
>> I think it is no new idea and the first question is how we handle the
>> signatures?
> WIth the current build, the combined packages are created upfront and
> signed by the RM.
> Provided that the packages are put together in the same way from the
> same component parts, the sigs will still be valid.
> So the RM would still need to create the combined packages, but each
> could be junked after creating the sig.
> However one might want to keep them in a separate area for SourceForge
> which does seem to be able to handle the volume.
> Or indeed use the concatenation approach if that can be combined witrh
> rsync (or whatever SF uses to fetch the stuff).
> Obviously hashes can be created the same way.
> If a separate download / installer is used, the problem does not arise
> as the parts/sigs don't change.
> There's another issue with concatenation by the server: if this
> requires server configuration, then mirrors will have to do it as
> well.
> That may be a step too far.
> It would be technically possible to use a different strategy for the
> ASF mirrors as opposed to SF downloads.
> E.g. SF continues as now, ASF mirrors use two downloads or download/installer.
> Since the vast bulk of downloads are likely to be from SF, would that
> be practical?
>>> I just posted to a different thread much the same thoughts.
>>> Another way to solve UI issue might be to generate a (small)
>>> downloader in each language + OS combination and have that do the
>>> download.
>>> Though I've just realised that would not allow a download manager to
>>> be used for the main download(s).
>> Again no new ideas and work for such a special downloader/instaler was
>> already ongoing in former times but never made it in the public repo.
>> We should take some important points into account. One click
>> installation for end users is very important.
>> Offline distribution is also important for users with low bandwidth.

If we want to go in this direction we should think about a new installer
that can handle updates as well. But we should keep app stores of modern
operating systems in mind as well. I still would love to see AOO in the
Apple App Store in the future and the Windows App Store.


>> Juergen
>>>> rgds
>>>> jan I.
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