Thanks for your additional data. Please can you give me the detailed error message that your browser is indicating at the bottom left (with the yellow "!")? Maybe it would help to see the message.



Am 09/02/2013 01:24 PM, schrieb Marcus (OOo):
Thanks for your data. From the values all is fine and the green box
should be visible with a link to download the file.

Do you have another browser to check if the problem is maybe browser


Am 09/01/2013 06:03 PM, schrieb Marcus (OOo):
Normally there should a table visible with all possible languages and
platforms. If not, it's maybe a problem with the browser. Please try to
reload the webpage - also with deleted cache.

To see if there is something to improve please give me the output of
this webapge (just copy&paste the table data):

Thanks in advance for your help.


Am 09/01/2013 04:54 PM, schrieb Reinhard Richter:
Apache OpenOffice Downloads - Official Site - All Builds

There is no table with different versions and languages.
Cannot download Windows-version zh-cn as required.
Coming with a german system and a german Internet Explorer I am
offered version de-de only.
Need to collect different versions for installation on different PC's
in my network. My Internet connection is slow, so I cannot download on
each individual PC.

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