Am 08/07/2013 09:20 PM, schrieb Marcus (OOo):
Am 08/07/2013 02:21 PM, schrieb Jennings, Rory:
I am trying to download the AOO SDKs, but there is an error on this page
in your javascript when using IE8 (my company's policy, and I have no
admin rights to install an alternative). The error is in
download_other.js: Object doesn't support this property or method (line
96, character 2 which I believe is referring to PLATFORM.indexOf but I
don't have much experience with this sort of thing so I can't be sure).
I would appreciate it if this could be fixed ASAP as I need to evaluate
the use of these SDKs.

The alternative link that Rob provided you should solve the urgent need.

However, I would like to investigate this download issue. Please can you
give me the output of the following webpage (to copy & paste the data in
the table is enough):

Furthermore, do you have any problems on
""; to start the download when
clicking into the big green box?

Thanks for your data.

Unfortunately, I cannot see any problems and as you said clicking the green box gives you the correct build, in general it should work fine.

Maybe it is possible for you to try to delete the browser cache to exclude any faulty data and then reload the webpage. Or also - if you know a colleague with a different browser - try to use this to see what is happening then.

I'm sorry but in this case I think your MS IE browser or some setting(s) is responsible to not rendering the webpage correctly but doing something strange.


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