Am 08/20/2013 10:13 AM, schrieb Michał Mulawa:
W dniu 2013-08-19 20:36, Marcus (OOo) pisze:
Thanks a lot for your data.
The problem was that Polish is no supported language for the AOO 4.0
release. However, it was tried to assemble a download link with
LANG_ISO = "pl". This wasn't working and therefore the error.

This should be fixed now. You should see the green download box. When
clicking you will be redirected to the native language webpage where
you can download AOO 3.4.1.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


Am 08/19/2013 12:49 PM, schrieb Michał Mulawa:
W dniu 2013-08-19 12:46, Rory O'Farrell pisze:
On Mon, 19 Aug 2013 12:10:09 +0200
Michał Mulawa <> wrote:

W dniu 2013-08-19 11:23, Rory O'Farrell pisze:
On Mon, 19 Aug 2013 10:53:32 +0200
Michał Mulawa <> wrote:

so i wanted to upgrade my OpenOffice from 3.31 to 4.0. I landed
on the
following url: . There are 3
things on that page: share via facebook/twitter/googlePlus, browse
addons, browse templates. But I don't want any of theese, I just
want to
download the installer. there is no easy-to-find link to do so. I
suppose it shows up after i share it on FB/etc, bot I dont't have
account on any of them. Even if I had an account, why would you
force me
to share such an information?

the "download page" without the actual download link makes no
sense, I
hope you fix this...


Try it again - the site was undergoing extensive maintenance and
upgrade. If it doesn't work you need to clear your browser cache.

I followed your advice, and cleared the cache. Still the same - check
out the attached screenshot. I am using FF 23.0.1.
Later posts to this thread have suggested it may be a Java problem on
your computer, which you may or may not wish to settle/install. This
URL ought take you direct to a more complex download page, where yu
can select the exact operating system version and language you require.

I see some kind of error in JS console:
TypeError: release_aoo400_matrix[LANG_ISO] is undefined
Line 345
thanks for the direct link

Now I see the green "download" bar. it is anchored to, but when it also has an
[onclick="openItem('optionitem1','n')]. When I click it, it opens, which gives 404.
Thanks for the hint. I've fixed it.

I already downloaded what I needed, just writing what I see now.
Great, maybe you want to test again if it's now OK.



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