On 19 August 2013 11:41, Regina Henschel <rb.hensc...@t-online.de> wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> janI schrieb:
>> On 19 August 2013 12:24, Regina Henschel <rb.hensc...@t-online.de> wrote:
> [..]
>>> But for both kind of testing there exists a problem with "expected
>>> values". For example, calculation of PMT needs expm1 and log1p, or
>>> calculation of LINEST needs lot of matrix calculation. It is not
>>> impossible
>>> to calculate this with Java, but who will do it? And when you use
>>> constant
>>> expected values, from where do you get them and how to ensure, that they
>>> are valid?
>> Just one simple question, how do you do manually today ? use the same
>> constants.
> I use my MuPad 3.1 and sometimes calculate values on
> http://www.wolframalpha.com/
> Or I compare the values to those from Gnumeric and Excel. Having the same
> value does not mean that they are correct, but the other way round, having
> different values means that I have to investigate it.
>> We should not try to invent a total new road, just do what we do today
>> more
>> efficiently.
> Suggestions?
If there are a *lot* of similar calculations that need to be tested,
then it might be worth investing some time looking at at ways to
expresss these simply as a script, and then write a parser to drive
the existing test code from the script, rather than having to update
the Java test code.

The advantage would be that just about anyone can create test cases,
and they are easy to check by hand.

However the parser may be a lot of work; I don't know.

Maybe there is already a suitable script language which already has
suitable examples?

Also there are various script interpreters that already undestand some
calculations, for example Commons JEXL.
It should be possible to use them to check the test cases, and
possibly even use as a basis for parsing the test cases.

> Kind regards
> Regina
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