Am Sonntag, 21. Juli 2013 um 09:48 schrieb janI:
> Hi.
> With the help of gmcdonald, A full backup of our pootle server was made
> yesterday night (UTC), specifically the database and all pootle files.
> Giving us a fixed point in time to restore from, if needed.
> All changes will as usual be backed up every night (UTC).
> It is a problem that most of the not released languages only reside on the
> pootle server and is not merged back to sdf files.
> For the languages we have
> - no versioning,
> - no easy compare with old version
> - no easy restore
> I will after the vacation period, update the l10n branch, with all pootle
> files.

we should see what we can improve here together with your branch.

But good to know that we now have a backup. Once your branch is ready and up to 
date I suggest an intensive testing round on your branch with at least all 
released languages. Fix potential problems on the branch and integrate it as 
soon as possible on trunk to continue testing and doing further improvements ...

> rgds
> jan I.

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