On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 11:41 PM, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org>wrote:

> Guillermo Calzada wrote:
>> hello I've done autoconf.. but whit the configure i have  a problem...
>> iwhen a execute this line ./configure --with-dmake-url=
>> http://dmake.apache-extras.**org.codespot.com/files/dmake-**4.12.tar.bz2<http://dmake.apache-extras.org.codespot.com/files/dmake-4.12.tar.bz2>
>> it gives me back a line telling me that it doesnt exists the directory
>> http://ooo.pastebin.ca/2389899
Guillermo --

You might try putting the url in quotes:


This is how I specified the epm url, as an example, for my build:


We may need to correct this in our Build Guide.

And, as Andrea suggests, you do not need to be "root" to do builds.

> The error message says it all: either you are running configure in the
> wrong directory (you must execute it from within "main" too) or configure
> was not created by the previous step (it is created by autoconf). If the
> latter, then autoconf has failed and we need to see its output. Side note:
> there's no reason to build OpenOffice as root.
> Regards,
>   Andrea.
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