OK, thanks.
Can't see what's going wrong with my version (even with a brand new profile).
Perhaps it has been fixed in a later build. Will try.


Le 04/05/2013 00:09, Andrea Pescetti a écrit :

Mechtilde wrote:
Under Debian 7.0 I can't see that problem. the display is the same.

Same for me, with a brand new AOO400m1(Build:9700) build, downloaded from the 
snapshot URL.

Palettes are identical in both places and match Armin's screenshot in 
https://issues.apache.org/ooo/attachment.cgi?id=80620 (not his most recent 
screenshot, but his commit was revision 1478676 while the latest SNAPSHOT tag 
seems set to r1478430 and thus earlier than that).


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