On 4/16/13 9:42 AM, Herbert Dürr wrote:
> On 2013/04/16 9:12 AM, Andre Fischer wrote:
>> On 15.04.2013 18:12, Herbert Dürr wrote:
>>> On 2013/04/15 4:00 PM, Andre Fischer wrote:
>>>> I would like to change the build type of the Windows7 nightly build
>>>> from
>>>> incremental to clean.
>>>> Reasons in favor of a clean build are:
>>>> - Developers don't have to know if a change is incompatible and thus
>>>> have to (somehow) trigger a clean build.
>>>> - Developers don't have to learn how to trigger a clean build.
>>>> - We avoid very subtle bugs that are introduced when an incremental
>>>> build is made on incompatible changes.
>>>>    Issues 122047 and 122048 may be caused by such a broken build: the
>>>> office works in general, only commands are mapped to the wrong ids.
>>>>    It is not acceptable to have builds that we can not rely on.
>>> I'm having a deja vue moment ;-)
>>> [1] http://markmail.org/message/lpprmeahwurvepx5
>> No, this thread does not apply.  It was centered on the idea to change
>> the bootstrap file and thus to affect every build, not just the ones on
>> the buildbot.  I don't want to change any files in SVN, only the
>> buildbot setup.
> The central suggestion was to default to a clean build because of the
> observation that dependencies currently don't work reliably which
> results in artifacts that are not reproducible and waste a lot of time
> was a direct hit.
> It is clear that the cleaning has to be somewhere between configure and
> the build steps. Where exactly was almost irrelevant. Bootstrap was only
> suggested because it is the only step between configure and the actual
> build. The "build --clean" suggested by Oliver had the problem that a
> simple build restart, e.g. after one of the infamous dmake failures,
> should not accidentally delete all the work already done.
>> I am thankful for your and Andrew's work but you describe a problem with
>> the current process, not with clean builds.
> I prefer clean builds too and now that I'm hearing Andrew that is happy
> with the change I'm all the happier with that. I already did it weeks
> ago for the snapshot builds a couple of weeks ago which resulted in some
> (minor) opposition then ;-)
>> BTW, was that a -1 or a 0 to my proposal?
> It was a support vote for Andrew's evaluation of the situation who quite
> clearly described why he liked the incremental build.

I am in favor of a clean build to ensure a reliable result. If we have
problems we have to solve the problems.

I built the Windows snapshot yesterday in 2h12min and it was a clean
fresh checkout built with "built --all -P2 -- -P2". No single build breaker.


> Herbert
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