On 22 March 2013 17:15, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> the so called 3layer office is not really useful anymore (it was never)
> and makes more problems than it helps.
> I thought that AOO 4.0 would be the best time to start at least with the
> necessary rework. The main idea is to use a new simplified directory
> layout and tweak the necessary config file (*rc, *.ini), rpath or
> similar linker flags where necessary etc. Eliminate the URE completely
> because we don't really want support it as a standalone product.
> I did some initial work so far and I am now able to build an office for
> Windows, MacOS and Linux with a new simplified directory layout.
> Windows and MacOS have already one main directory whereas on Linux we
> have "openoffice" (basis layer + URE) and "openoffice4" (brand layer).
> I removed all this base-link, ure-link, URE, urelib stuff and
> reorganized the directories.
> Example layout on Linux:
> openoffice4
> openoffice4/help
> openoffice4/presets
> openoffice4/program  -> contains basis-link/program + URE/bin + URE/lib
> openoffice4/program/misc  -> former URE/share/misc -> will be removed
> openoffice4/README
> openoffice4/README.html
> openoffice4/readmes
> openoffice4/share
> In general the layout becomes more equal on all platforms.
> The good news is that the office work on all 3 platforms, I am able to
> select Java, extensions seems to work as well. Python is not yet tested,
> language packs are not yet tested and built but in general I am thinking
> it will be no problem.
> Advantage of this move would be a simplified structure, long term a
> simplified configuration when the *rc/*.ini files are consolidated.
> Easier deployment on Linux, no conflicts with an URE from LO or the
> distro at all.
> My idea is to continue this basic work, do further cleanup in the office
> as well as the build system, do further testing including the SDK...
> Still some work to do but from my point of view a useful move forward to
> get rid of this complex and unnecessary 3layer stuff.
> What do you think?

> On demand I can provide test builds if there are people interested to
> help with testing.
I am also changing a bit in the build system, but only for localization so
we should not conflict.

jan I.

> Juergen
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