Hello Reina,

On 3/15/13 1:20 PM, Waldorf PC wrote:
> Hi developers:
> My name is Reina Grosvalet, and I am displeased about the fact that
> Open Office is not accessible for blind computer users, as this
> program does not work with screen reading and other assistive
> technologies. Blind people, just like everyone else, want a free word
> processing option that works just as well as MS Office. Blind
> freelancers can especially benefit from your program beingaccessible,
> as well as blind entrepreneurs, students and professionals.
> Because I am a certified 508 Compliance Analyst, I can provide
> detailed feedback concerninghow you can make your program one hundred
> percent accessible, so the millions of blind computer users around the
> world will be able to benefit from it along with everyone else. If you
> need proof of my certificates, I will be glad to send them to you. A
> plus is that I am also totally blind, so I can provide feedback from
> the point of view of someone who is blind.
> in order to give you an idea of some of the problems I see, I am going
> to provide you with a mini report below. this report states:
> 1. The installer has buttons that are clearly labeled with text that
> can be clearly accessed using keyboard navigation. this is a plus
> because a blind computer user is able to successfully install the
> program on his or her computer without any sighted help.
> 2. The buttons in the installer all have corresponding access keys,
> like alt+n for next and alt+f for finish. This is very helpful for
> screen reader users and for those who use assistive technologies
> because these access keys allow such users to complete functions
> quickly.
> 3. Upon opening the program, however, i notice that a blind computer
> user is not able to access any of its functions using keyboard
> navigation. the blind user cannot select the type of template heor she
> wishes to use, like a spreadssheet or text document. Drop down menus
> cannot be accessed using any form of keyboard navigation, like using
> the alt key to access the menus like in the windows operating system.
> as soon as you contact me, I can construct a detailed report that
> contains each problem I see as well as provide detailed fixes to these
> problems. It is my hope that Open Office becomes completely
> accessible, so people with disabilities can utilize this software and
> enjoy its benefits.
> i look forward to hearing from you on this matter. Thank you so much again.

welcome at OpenOffice and we very much appreciate your feedback and your
interest to help us to improve the overall accessibility.

We are currently working on an improved support for accessibility by
integrating IAccessibility2 support that is already available in
Symphony. This work is ongoing in a separate branch and you can help us
to test the application and to provide valuable feedback.

We are of course very interested to make OpenOffice better in this area
and the integration of IAccessibility2 is a huge and important milestone

Regarding the keyboard access to certain functions, I am not sure if
understand it correct. We normally allow keyboard navigation through
menus and between controls etc. On which platform are you working and
can you give more information.

I am not sure maybe it is to early to start testing today but Steve Yin
can provide a much better and more detailed overview where we are today.



> Warm regards,
> Reina Grosvalet
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