On Feb 21, 2013, at 4:02 PM, Dave Fisher wrote:

>>> (Note this discussion is going to be difficult because we are posting 
>>> between two lists.)
> Adding back marketing, who are doing wonderful work.

Look at http://flex.apache.org/.

It might be an inspiration for someone.


> On Feb 21, 2013, at 2:23 PM, Rob Weir wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 4:27 PM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:
>>> On Feb 20, 2013, at 8:13 AM, Samer Mansour wrote:
>>>> Hello AOO Dev and Marketing Community,
>>>> The main subject of this e-mail is to call for an end date to proposals.
>>>> In 72hrs (saturday) we will be closing branding proposals.
>>>> - - - - -
>>>> I am heading up the branding effort for the AOO 4.0 release and we can
>>>> unanimously agree the 4.0 release will be a milestone for our community and
>>>> users.  For this special release the marketing team is taking on the effort
>>>> to giving us a fresh look.
>>>> The marketing team is starting to plot deadlines at the same time as the
>>>> dev team, the marketing team can't keep proposing ideas forever, we
>>>> actually need to do the work to get us there.  Specially because some dev
>>>> efforts require assets from our designers.
>>>> What does that mean?
>>>> - We're picking and choosing. Late submissions might not be considered
>>>> (just the nature of "just do it" sorry).
>>>> - Eliminating designs we don't like and smoothing and integrating ones we
>>>> do like.
>>>> - In a week from Saturday we will have a master proposal to present for
>>>> lazy consensus. (at least that's the plan)
>>> I do not think that this can operate as lazy consensus,. it is a process 
>>> that is more opinion based than most.
>>> It is possible that the Marketing team can make some discussions, but the 
>>> community may have other preferences.
>> Indeed I assume there would be many opinions.  But in the discussion
>> that had lead up to this has noted that there are well-established
>> design and marketing best practices for logo desgin, and giving some
>> trust to those volunteers with knowledge of these disciplines might
>> yield a better result that throwing it out to a general vote of 400
>> subscribers to the dev list and their individual non-expert opinions.
>> Now you could argue that opinions of non-experts is useful, and what
>> the general public thinks is important.  True, but that is better done
>> with an expertly-designed survey of the general public, not by
>> bikeshedding on the dev list.
> The opinions of non-experts are useful and that is a fact. This is not 
> general public opinion it is the AOO community. An expertly designed survey 
> is often called a BALLOT. Please design one to either validate a single 
> decision, or to choose between a few of the designs so that the result is not 
> a fait accompli.
> Validation is good.
>> We've kicked the can down the road with regards to a grand contest for
>> almost a year now.  We're no closer to than we were when we started.
>> Do we want to ship 4.0 with a half-assed logo attempt done at the last
>> minute?  Or do we want to let the marketing experts push this forward.
> Straw man. One year ago we had maybe 2 or 3 logo proposals. Now there are 
> several logos and designs proposed and only a few are IMO half-assed. Many 
> IMO are excellent!
>> And remember, if someone really doesn't like the output of this
>> process, they can object and offer an alternative at any time.  But I
>> don't think we can force a volunteer, or group of volunteers, to
>> pursue a contest versus an approach based on best practices and
>> working with a small set of already-active volunteers.
> Three points.
> (1) There is a public solicitation for proposals. These submissions must be 
> fairly treated.
> (2) No force is involved. Just a suggestion and a reminder that LAZY 
> CONSENSUS should not be assumed. If necessary we can design a ballot on the 
> dev list.
> (3) The only legitimate VETO here is if the Logo and Design selected 
> infringed or nearly infringed on another's mark (like one subtly does), or if 
> it were somehow foul and offensive in some culture. In that case the 
> technical alternative is to choose one of the non-infringing or insulting 
> logos or designs.
> A VETO is a "let's discuss this" it must not be a "your work is awful take it 
> back."
> This argues that the sooner the community agrees the better. The Apache Way 
> is about the flattest hierarchy possible. Decisions are to made (validated) 
> on the dev list.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Dave
>> Regards,
>> -Rob
>>> I don't think that we need to be afraid of having a VOTE. Rules can be 
>>> generated and this dev list can tolerate the extra traffic.
>>> I participated in a two round vote for Apache Flex. There were over 50 
>>> entries. Each ballot had 5 votes which allowed people with strong opinions 
>>> to vote for one logo and others who liked many designs could split their 
>>> vote.
>>> (Note this discussion is going to be difficult because we are posting 
>>> between two lists.)
>>>> How can you help?
>>>> - - - - -
>>>> - I have design skills! (or I think!)
>>>> -> Check out some guidelines and placements of the branding, see children
>>>> of this cwiki page:
>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Apache+OpenOffice+4.0+Brand+Refresh+Project
>>>> -> Go to our wiki and sketch out some ideas here:
>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.x+-+Logo+Explorations
>>>> -> They don't have to be complete or polished ideas, ie. you only have
>>>> ideas for icons and only have 2 hours to create the proposal, capture the
>>>> main idea but don't worry about detail.
>>>> -> Join the marketing mailing list to help us with implementing the final
>>>> design: https://blogs.apache.org/OOo/entry/call_for_marketing_volunteers
>>>> - I don't have design skills?!
>>>> -> Go to our wiki and help us by commenting on designs, DO NOT reply with
>>>> comments about design in these mailing lists.
>>>> -> There is about 10 pages and they all could use some feedback in the
>>>> comments:
>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Apache+OpenOffice+4.0+Brand+Refresh+Project
>>>> -> I will call for any final discussion on Saturday once the deadline has
>>>> passed.
>>> I have added comments including the volunteer and organization hurdles to 
>>> make certain branding changes.
>>> Regards,
>>> Dave
>>>> If you have any concerns about this process reply here.
>>>> Do not reply to this e-mail to talk about designs!  Go to the wiki and add
>>>> design comments there!

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