----- Messaggio originale -----
> Da: Rob Weir 
>>  OOo already has plenty of functions that give backwards
>>  incompatible results with previous versions of OOo and
>>  Symphony (which is rather crappy). atanh, asinh, erf,
>>  everything in SAL has needed continued revisions.
> I have not seen anything that took a legitimate formula and changed it
> to an error.  I'm not ab absolutist.  I'm willing to consider changes
> at the 8th decimal points.  But not gross level breaks in
> compatibility.

Please note that we don't return an error: this is not something that will cause
core dumps or affect stability: we return Not a Number (NaN), which is more
in line with the mathematical behavior of the real function and signals
the end user that he likely made has to revisit his formulation (all very good

The distinction is important. I surely didn't introduce a bug.

>>>  Finally, treating 0^0 == 1 is very common in programming languages and
>>>  spreadsheets, being the value returned by OpenOffice since 1.0, as
>>>  well as by Calligra Sheets, Google Docs, Symphony, LibreOffice, Java,
>>>  C, and .NET.  Anyone arguing that the value is incorrect faces a
>>>  mountain of contrary opinion and practice.
>>  So far you have failed to produce an example of reasonable use where
>>  such incompatibility is evident.
> For purposes of a veto I only need to show that I have a technical objection.

And I don't see a valid technical objection, just different criteria.

Now, it is probably not fair for me to judge if your technical objection
is valid or not. It surely doesn't fall within the common examples (
does not open a security exposure, negatively affects performance,

There should probably be an objective judge for these things (the PMC?)
but it is not defined within the Apache procedures.


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