On 1/2/2013 2:25 AM, janI wrote:

thx for your observations.

With the very low activity we have on trunk, there might be no reason for

I am simply just used to a more comfortable and flexible build system. If I
want to check my l10n changes on different platforms I have to (or so I
have been told) merge it to trunk and maybe be a pain for all others, an
alternative (which is seen in other build systems) is a possibility to
register a branch for a single night-compile.
If it was a persistent branch or tag, it would be very easy to set up a nightly build for it. (I'd be happy to do that, and we have resources available to do it) Beyond that it gets more difficult. Our build is pretty complex, and each of the platforms takes a bit of tweaking - and still, they can be a bit finicky.

The other issue is that we have a pretty long running build - 2 to 12 hours - and it contains a lot of long running processes. The problem here is that the ci frameworks have a hard time canceling a build, when they kill the process, they often leave around multiple child processes, some which hang and cause future builds to break. This is a long winded description of why the current approach focuses on nightly builds vs. triggered builds.

Each of our builds is also pretty resource intensive, and if we are not careful, it is pretty easy to cause problems for the projects who we share buildbots with.

The above isn't meant to say that things are best as they are, or even where we want it to be. This also isn't to suggest there aren't many improvements to be made. I'm just trying to illuminate the hurdles we face.


but I will leave that theme to others.
Jan I.

On 1 January 2013 23:07, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:

janI wrote:

I might be wrong but do we e.g.
- get automatic mail when a build fails ?
- have a statistic over our build through time ?

Notifications are sent to openoffice-commits, see for example


I don't know if we have a handy way to see the build history and not just
the latest build status displayed at

  I think the job being done today is great, and was in my own (obviously
too elegant) way just trying to see if we could improve.

I didn't see anything inappropriate in the requests and reactions about
the buildbot so far... it's normal to ask, it's normal to expect easy
fixes, and it's normal that more challenging changes are accepted or denied
based on discussion with people who are doing that work.


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