Other than the 'Oracle Report Builder' these all look like they should be changed. As for the 'Oracle Report Builder' ones, does that require more detailed surgery? What is the equivalent product now? Asking a larger audience...


On 12/19/2012 7:22 AM, janI wrote:
In our ongoing discussion about license issues, releases etc. I have a big
question mark.

During our QA (and my l10n work), I have found several references to Oracle
in AOO, and hereby I mean in the strings that are being translated and
problaly shown to end-users (why else translate them).

I have of course removed those, where it is a reference to Oracle as a
database provider...two of the better ones are:

crashrep: "You have marked the option 'I allow Oracle to contact me
regarding this report.'\nPlease enter your e-mail address."

helpcontent2: "OpenOffice.org 3, StarOffice 9, Oracle Open Office"

I hereby propose the the list below is changed before we make a new release.

Now changing these in the original files, of course also means that all
translations have to be changed.

I am sorry, if I listed a text or two, that are correctly Oracle.

Jan I.

List with: "source file sdf", "key", "text" (it is an extract from
basic    source\app\basic.src IDD_TT_ABOUT_DIALOG
   ©1995-2010 Oracle

crashrep\source\all\crashrep.ulf    0 %WELCOME_BODY1%
   This error report tool gathers information about how %PRODUCTNAME% is
working and sends it to Oracle to help improve future versions.\n\n

crashrep\source\all\crashrep.ulf    0 %WELCOME_BODY3%
    Customer Privacy\nThe information gathered is limited to data concerning
the state of %PRODUCTNAME% %PRODUCTVERSION% when the error occurred. Other
information about passwords or document contents is not collected.\n\nThe
information will only be used to improve the quality of %PRODUCTNAME% and
will not be shared with third parties.\nFor more information on Oracle's
privacy policy, visit\n

crashrep\source\all\crashrep.ulf    0 %PRIVACY_URL%

crashrep\source\all\crashrep.ulf    0 %REPORT_BODY%
   The %PRODUCTNAME% %PRODUCTVERSION% Error Report has gathered information
that could help Oracle improve %PRODUCTNAME%.\nIn the spaces below, you can
enter a title for your crash report and describe the action you were trying
to carry out when the error occurred. Then click 'Send'.\n

crashrep\source\all\crashrep.ulf    0 %ALLOW_CONTACT%
     ~I allow Oracle to contact me regarding this report.

crashrep\source\all\crashrep.ulf    0 %ERROR_MSG_NOEMAILADDRESS%
   You have marked the option 'I allow Oracle to contact me regarding this
report.'\nPlease enter your e-mail address.

desktop\source\app\desktop.src INFOBOX_EXPIRED
This Evaluation Version has expired. To find out more about

extensions\source\preload\preload.srcRID_TP_WELCOME    FT_INFO
%PRODUCTVERSION OEM, please enter your personal data in the dialog
following the license text. Important information is contained in the
readme files which are located in the %PRODUCTNAME product directory.
Please read these files carefully. You can also find detailed information
at the Oracle website \n\nhttp://

framework\source\classes\resource.src STR_STATUSBAR_LOGOTEXT
  %PRODUCTNAME product by Oracle

helpcontent2\source\text\shared\00\00000021.xhp par_id0519200811530471
OpenOffice.org 3, StarOffice 9, Oracle Open Office

helpcontent2\source\text\shared\explorer\database\rep_main.xhp bm_id1614429
Builder\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>Oracle Report

.ExtendedColorScheme.EntryNames.SunReportBuilder    DisplayName
   Oracle Report Builder

svx\source\dialog\docrecovery.src RID_SVXPAGE_ERR_REP_WELCOME FT_RECOV_DESCR
   This error report tool gathers information about how %PRODUCTNAME is
working and sends it to Oracle to help improve future versions.\n\nIt's
easy - just send the report without any further effort on your part by
clicking 'Send' in the next dialog, or you can briefly describe how the
error occurred and then click 'Send'. If you want to see the report, click
the 'Show Report' button. No data will be sent if you click 'Do Not
Send'.\n\nCustomer Privacy\nThe information gathered is limited to data
concerning the state of %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION when the error
occurred. Other information about passwords or document contents is not
collected.\n\nThe information will only be used to improve the quality of
%PRODUCTNAME and will not be shared with third parties.\nFor more
information on Oracle's privacy policy, visit\

svx\source\dialog\docrecovery.src RID_SVXPAGE_ERR_REP_SEND
~I allow Oracle to contact me regarding this report.

sysui\desktop\share\launcher_comment.ulf startcenter
   The office productivity suite compatible to the open and standardized ODF
document format. Supported by Oracle.

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