Hi Regina,

On Mon, Dec 03, 2012 at 05:59:15PM +0100, Regina Henschel wrote:
> Hi all,
> Armin Le Grand schrieb:
> >     Hi Kevin and Marcus,
> >
> >let's wait and see if Regina may know/find a place in the office where
> >this is needed.
> I see that the folder htmlexpo is used in File > Wizards > Web Page..
> But I do not see any of the selected pictures in the result of the
> Wizard. Does someone know, where these picture should appear in the
> result of the Wizard? Or has some function be removes from the
> wizard some time ago, without removing the selection?

The fixed text on the wizard step "5. Style" says "The icon set is used
for presentations in HTML format", so I guess one has to choose an ODP
in step "2. Documents" and "Export to file format" = HTML.

I couldn't make this work, I always get an error box "An error occurred
while copying media files to the temporary directory", the ODP file is
not even exported, I get an empty <export dir>/content/<file name> folder.

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

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