Am 12/04/2012 02:58 PM, schrieb Armin Le Grand:
Hi List,
I have now reduced some of the biggest graphics (which had sizes up to
1700x1400) and got a size of the install set of:
original: 122 MB (128.229.180 bytes)
modified: 138 MB (145.384.769 bytes)
Thus, with the new themes (with # of entries)
arrows (68)
bullets (merged with existing, 92, 30 new ones)
computers (18)
diagrams (108)
education (13)
environment (25)
finance (42)
people (52)
symbols (90)
transportation (14)
textshapes (38)
and the old themes
www-back (62)
www-graf (93)
rulers (25)
sounds (35)
htmlexpo (48)
we have an extra of 16 MB (17.155.589 bytes). That is an increase of
13,37885% for 498 new graphics.
All entries are newly created (for better thumbnails). The thumbnail
quality will be increased for all user-added stuff in the gallery, too.
The user gets a good pre-installed amount and selection of graphics for
all purposes.
IMHO this sounds very good. When we take into account that the user can
choose out of many new themes and pics, it's OK to get an of ~13%
increased install set.
Thanks for your effort. :-)
I propose to add it in that form; when the vector-based versions should
show up later it is easy to replace these.
On 03.12.2012 11:04, Armin Le Grand wrote:
Hi List,
After using pngcrush the install set is
original: 122 MB (128.229.180 bytes)
modified: 139 MB (146.700.786 bytes)
3 MB less, still 17 MB to go. This is an increase of 14% roughly.
Cheking better thumbnails now...