On 11/23/12 5:45 PM, Robert Barbey wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> for a Writer extension, we're traversing a document using the Java text 
> iteration API. The text is extracted and sent to a server backend for 
> linguistic analysis. This server returns a report containing corrections for 
> the current document which the extension needs to map back into the document. 
> All of this is based on XTextRange objects. 
> In order to highlight these corrections within document, we are using smart 
> tags. But with the existing XSmartTagRecognizer interface it's not possible 
> to determine reliably the absolute position of  the text that is to be 
> processed in the recognize method of the interface. To be able to do that we 
> would need an XTextRange object as argument. This, of course, would require a 
> change of the XTextMarkup interface so that it also supports committing 
> markup for XTextRanges.
> In the attached file, you find a patch that adds this functionality. It would 
> be really great if you could review these changes and provide feedback for 
> improvements or if you think that we have missed something essential. WE 
> think that this addition could be beneficial to other extensions as well.
> Thank you very much and have a nice weekend.
> Best,
> Robert

Hi Robert,

I am looking forward to see your patch ;-)

The good news is that XTextMarkup is an unpublished interface yet and I
don't expect to many SmartTag extensions yet. We will see...

Normally API changes are not easy to make, especially with already
published API's.


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