On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Keith N. McKenna
<keith.mcke...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Rob Weir wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 8:20 AM, Keith N. McKenna
>> <keith.mcke...@comcast.net> wrote:
>>> Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
>>>> On 11/21/12 5:33 PM, Keith N. McKenna wrote:
>>>>> Rob Weir wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Keith N. McKenna
>>>>>> <keith.mcke...@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>>>>> Regina Henschel wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Jürgen,
>>>>>>>> Jürgen Schmidt schrieb:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> first of all I would like to volunteer again as release manager for
>>>>>>>>> our
>>>>>>>>> next release if it's ok for our community.
>>>>>>>> +1
>>>>>>> +1 on that from me also
>>>>>>>>> Second I would like to define with you what our next release will
>>>>>>>>> be.
>>>>>>>>> After various discussion and activities on the mailing list and
>>>>>>>>> also at
>>>>>>>>> the ApacheCon, I got the impression that the majority would support
>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>> 4.0 version as our next release.
>>>>>>>> I'm not in favor of an version 4.0 as next release. The changes have
>>>>>>>> listed below would justify a version "4.0". But I doubt, that they
>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>> possible in a time frame, I see for the next release.
>>>>>>> I am with Regina on this one. I do not see a Jan or Feb time frame as
>>>>>>> feasible for the design and implementation of a new and still a
>>>>>>> comfortable
>>>>>>> bit of padding to deal with the inevitable gremlins that will sneak
>>>>>>> out of
>>>>>>> the woodwork to assure the kind of quality release that is expected
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> OpenOffice and that we expect of ourselves.
>>>>>> Uh, Juergen never suggested January or Feburary as a time frame for
>>>>>> 4.0.  So I don't see how one can dismiss a 4.0 proposal as being
>>>>>> unfeasible based on dates that he never suggested.  Maybe we should
>>>>>> ask Juergen what timeframe he had in mind for 4.0?  Of course, it
>>>>>> might be possible to do both, provided we have volunteers willing to
>>>>>> own testing and release management for 3.5.
>>>>>> -Rob
>>>>> As I re-read the post you are correct Rob and I apologize to Juergen
>>>>> for
>>>>> reading to much between the lines. What timeframe were you considering
>>>>> for a 4.0 release Juergan?
>>>> Well I had indeed not February in mind but when we targeting on end of
>>>> March or April we will have more time.
>>>> Maybe we can take first a look on what others have in mind to put in the
>>>> next release.
>>>> Juergen
>>> This sounds like a good idea. My concern is that we have enough time to
>>> adequately the changes, especially the potential UI changes, and that we
>>> address the end of life issues with the 3.x.x line. We do not want to
>>> spring
>>> possibly major UI changes on end users without adequate warning.
>> Is there something users need to do to prepare for UI changes ? ;-)
> Rob, have you ever been involved in direct user support? When you make major
> UI changes your support structure is going to be inundated with questions
> under the best of situations. When you spring them on users unawares you
> unleash the tirade of "change for the sake of change" potentially getting
> bad publicity for the product.

Actually, I was involved in direct user support for office smart
suite.  For several years I did direct phone support for users of
Lotus SmartSuite, 40 calls per day.  So I have actually done this, as
a professional, thousands of times.  And I was very good at it.

Also note that this was during the transition from DOS to Windows, so
I know quite a bit about how users handle UI changes.  Any changes
we're proposing for AOO 4.0 are miniscule compared to the DOS to
Windows transition.

> While it is true that an amount of this is inevitable, a good marketing and
> communication campaign can go a long way towards minimizing it. We cannot
> loose sight of the act that we are an end user project and not just for the
> techie types.

Yes, marketing needs to accompany any user-visible changes, not just
UI changes.  But the need for marketing should be expressed as helping
support our current call for marketing volunteers:
https://blogs.apache.org/OOo/entry/call_for_marketing_volunteers.  It
should not (IMHO) be expressed by denigrating the proposed UI changes.



>> IMHO, if the changes are a bad idea we should never do them.  But if
>> the changes are a good idea then let's get them done, tested and
>> released without delay.  Yes, it will be a surprise for many end
>> users.  As far as I can tell most users still don't know we've moved
>> to Apache either.
> Whether we have moved to Apache or not is of little concern to the general
> user. Changing the look and feel of the product he or she is familiar and
> comfortable with is.
> Do not get me wrong, I am not against change. I am simply adding a voice of
> caution that we not inadvertently shoot ourselves in the foot (figuratively
> to be sure). The UX work that Kevin and others are going and the push by you
> and others for greater marketing presence are all good things and need to be
> given sufficient time to have a good impact.
> If in the considered judgement of the community the March/April timeframe is
> sufficient that is great and we should do it. All I am doing is raising some
> considerations that may not always be thought of.
> Regards
> Keth
>> -Rob
>>> Regards
>>> Keith

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