Thank you both for volunteering.  I do need help at the current
moment.  Are you on the IRC  We may discuss the

    The current MediaWiki seems to be of version 1.15.5.  An update is
required, but due to many reason it is not done yet.

On 2012/11/23 22:13, jan iversen said:
> I am trying, sadly enough I missed orw....I still think my problem is
> accessing the wiki
> orw, is just a user like the rest of us and not infra, but his idea was good
> Oliver: thanks for trying to help.
> jan
> On 23 November 2012 14:26, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 23.11.2012 14:08, jan iversen wrote:
>>> THANKS....would it not have been nice, if it was noted in the ticket...
>>> I am already looking at now I only need the mysql root password.
>> infra people told me on irc that it is needed that you setup opie and that
>> you should talk directly to them (
>> Best regards, Oliver.
>>  Jan
>>> On 23 November 2012 14:05, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann <
>>>> wrote:
>>>  Hi,
>>>> On 23.11.2012 14:01, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:
>>>>  Hi,
>>>>> On 23.11.2012 13:47, jan iversen wrote:
>>>>>  A big thank to those fighting in the trenches !!!
>>>>>> I am still waiting for infra, but now I am available, so the minute I
>>>>>> get
>>>>>> the mail I will be on to it, and change to "invite only".
>>>>>> The point list of tj will be my work order. But I hope that someone
>>>>>> could
>>>>>> give infra a polite hint, that we really need this closed, infra must
>>>>>> install my ssh public key, and give the mysql root password.
>>>>>>  You can reach ASF infra on irc://freenode/asfinfra
>>>>> I am on this chat - may be I can pass your requests to them.
>>>>> command "infrabot: beer" helps a lot in this chat with ASF infra ;-)
>>>>>  infra people just told me on irc the following:
>>>> "orw: if you see jani tell him he has access and can he please set up
>>>> opie
>>>> as per."
>>>> "orw: Go and have a look at to learn how to
>>>> setup OPIE"
>>>> Best regards, Oliver.
>>>>   Best regards, Oliver.
>>>>>   I will open a new thread later, with "wiki maintenance", so you all
>>>>> can
>>>>>> follow what is planned to happen (and when it happens).
>>>>>> Clayton pointed me to the "maintenance page" which contains loads of
>>>>>> valuable information.
>>>>>> jan
>>>>>> On 23 November 2012 11:47, Rory O'Farrell <> wrote:
>>>>>>   On Fri, 23 Nov 2012 05:22:29 -0500
>>>>>>> TJ Frazier <> wrote:
>>>>>>>   On 11/23/2012 04:20, jan iversen wrote:
>>>>>>>>  I am happy for the help, Clayton has already giving me lot of
>>>>>>>>>  information,
>>>>>>>  instead of me having to dig it out. It is also securing to have a
>>>>>>>>>  helping
>>>>>>>  hand in the background who know our wiki very well.
>>>>>>>>> Is there a gentle way, to make Infra do the last bit, so I can get
>>>>>>>>>  access,
>>>>>>>  as far as I can see it is 2 simple things:
>>>>>>>>> - Copy my ssh public key to the wiki server
>>>>>>>>> - Provide the mysql root password
>>>>>>>>> I am a bit afraid of this long US weekend, and hope we do not have
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>  wait
>>>>>>>  until next week.
>>>>>>>>> Jan.
>>>>>>>> Report from the trenches: the spam is getting no worse, but no better
>>>>>>>> either. The wonderful crew of volunteers (I play only a small part)
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> getting it all. Max spam page lifetime is about an hour; typical is
>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>> a few minutes. We may be humans fighting bots, but we're winning — or
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> least not losing. ("John Henry said to the captain ...") I also fear
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> long weekend.
>>>>>>>> The urgent items I see, first = most important:
>>>>>>>> 1) "invitation only" fix to LocalSettings.php. This turns off the
>>>>>>>> faucet.
>>>>>>>> 2) SQL delete of all unused accounts (no contributions in any space).
>>>>>>>> This eliminates the spammers' backlog of new accounts, so we sysops
>>>>>>>> don't have to block them one at a time. This will hit a lot of old
>>>>>>>> accounts, too. Good; that's overdue. It is possible that a few
>>>>>>>> legitimate accounts could be hit, but contributors normally go right
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> and fix something, and/or create their user pages, so those accounts
>>>>>>>> should be exempt.
>>>>>>>> Other items can be dealt with at leisure:
>>>>>>>> 3) Deleting all blocked accounts, the blocks themselves, and any
>>>>>>>> associated deleted pages. This is a trash clean-up. It removes any
>>>>>>>> backscatter left over from the anti-spam effort, and recovers a minor
>>>>>>>> amount of space.
>>>>>>>> 4) Upgrades, extensions, better spam prevention, &c.
>>>>>>>> /tj/
>>>>>>>>  On 23 November 2012 09:00, C <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>   On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 1:16 AM, Andrea Pescetti <
>>>>>>>>>    wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>  Thanks Clayton, you probably know the inner details of our
>>>>>>>>>>> Mediawiki
>>>>>>>>>>> configuration better than most people here, so it is great that
>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>  are
>>>>>>>  going to coordinate with Jan to neutralize this attack.
>>>>>>>>>> Jan will be leading the defense.  I'll be hanging around more in
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> background trying to explain why things are wonky with historical
>>>>>>>>>> configuration :-)
>>>>>>>>>> The Spam problem can definitely be delt with... just takes a bit of
>>>>>>>>>> time to sort things out, do a few upgrades and a few configuration
>>>>>>>>>> tweaks.
>>>>>>>>>> Meanwhile anyone with current Wiki Admin rights is welcome to scan
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> "Recent changes" on the Wiki once in a while and:
>>>>>>>>>>     - Delete Spam pages (created 1 page every 2 minutes on average)
>>>>>>>>>>     - Block the spam accounts (I would suggest that you do not
>>>>>>>>>> block
>>>>>>>>>> IP
>>>>>>>>>> address, a check box on the block page, because you risk blocking
>>>>>>>>>> legit users on dynamic IPs)
>>>>>>>>>> Clayton

Best regards,
imacat ^_*' <>

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