I am trying, sadly enough I missed orw....I still think my problem is
accessing the wiki

orw, is just a user like the rest of us and not infra, but his idea was good

Oliver: thanks for trying to help.


On 23 November 2012 14:26, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann <orwittm...@googlemail.com
> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 23.11.2012 14:08, jan iversen wrote:
>> THANKS....would it not have been nice, if it was noted in the ticket...
>> I am already looking at opie...so now I only need the mysql root password.
> infra people told me on irc that it is needed that you setup opie and that
> you should talk directly to them (http://webchat.freenode.net)
> Best regards, Oliver.
>  Jan
>> On 23 November 2012 14:05, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann <
>> orwittm...@googlemail.com
>>> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>> On 23.11.2012 14:01, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:
>>>  Hi,
>>>> On 23.11.2012 13:47, jan iversen wrote:
>>>>  A big thank to those fighting in the trenches !!!
>>>>> I am still waiting for infra, but now I am available, so the minute I
>>>>> get
>>>>> the mail I will be on to it, and change to "invite only".
>>>>> The point list of tj will be my work order. But I hope that someone
>>>>> could
>>>>> give infra a polite hint, that we really need this closed, infra must
>>>>> install my ssh public key, and give the mysql root password.
>>>>>  You can reach ASF infra on irc://freenode/asfinfra
>>>> I am on this chat - may be I can pass your requests to them.
>>>> command "infrabot: beer" helps a lot in this chat with ASF infra ;-)
>>>>  infra people just told me on irc the following:
>>> "orw: if you see jani tell him he has access and can he please set up
>>> opie
>>> as per."
>>> "orw: Go and have a look at http://s.apache.org/opie to learn how to
>>> setup OPIE"
>>> Best regards, Oliver.
>>>   Best regards, Oliver.
>>>>   I will open a new thread later, with "wiki maintenance", so you all
>>>> can
>>>>> follow what is planned to happen (and when it happens).
>>>>> Clayton pointed me to the "maintenance page" which contains loads of
>>>>> valuable information.
>>>>> jan
>>>>> On 23 November 2012 11:47, Rory O'Farrell <ofarr...@iol.ie> wrote:
>>>>>   On Fri, 23 Nov 2012 05:22:29 -0500
>>>>>> TJ Frazier <tjfraz...@cfl.rr.com> wrote:
>>>>>>   On 11/23/2012 04:20, jan iversen wrote:
>>>>>>>  I am happy for the help, Clayton has already giving me lot of
>>>>>>>>  information,
>>>>>>  instead of me having to dig it out. It is also securing to have a
>>>>>>>>  helping
>>>>>>  hand in the background who know our wiki very well.
>>>>>>>> Is there a gentle way, to make Infra do the last bit, so I can get
>>>>>>>>  access,
>>>>>>  as far as I can see it is 2 simple things:
>>>>>>>> - Copy my ssh public key to the wiki server
>>>>>>>> - Provide the mysql root password
>>>>>>>> I am a bit afraid of this long US weekend, and hope we do not have
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>  wait
>>>>>>  until next week.
>>>>>>>> Jan.
>>>>>>> Report from the trenches: the spam is getting no worse, but no better
>>>>>>> either. The wonderful crew of volunteers (I play only a small part)
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> getting it all. Max spam page lifetime is about an hour; typical is
>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>> a few minutes. We may be humans fighting bots, but we're winning — or
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> least not losing. ("John Henry said to the captain ...") I also fear
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> long weekend.
>>>>>>> The urgent items I see, first = most important:
>>>>>>> 1) "invitation only" fix to LocalSettings.php. This turns off the
>>>>>>> faucet.
>>>>>>> 2) SQL delete of all unused accounts (no contributions in any space).
>>>>>>> This eliminates the spammers' backlog of new accounts, so we sysops
>>>>>>> don't have to block them one at a time. This will hit a lot of old
>>>>>>> accounts, too. Good; that's overdue. It is possible that a few
>>>>>>> legitimate accounts could be hit, but contributors normally go right
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> and fix something, and/or create their user pages, so those accounts
>>>>>>> should be exempt.
>>>>>>> Other items can be dealt with at leisure:
>>>>>>> 3) Deleting all blocked accounts, the blocks themselves, and any
>>>>>>> associated deleted pages. This is a trash clean-up. It removes any
>>>>>>> backscatter left over from the anti-spam effort, and recovers a minor
>>>>>>> amount of space.
>>>>>>> 4) Upgrades, extensions, better spam prevention, &c.
>>>>>>> /tj/
>>>>>>>  On 23 November 2012 09:00, C <smau...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>   On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 1:16 AM, Andrea Pescetti <
>>>>>>>>> pesce...@apache.org
>>>>>>>>    wrote:
>>>>>>>>>  Thanks Clayton, you probably know the inner details of our
>>>>>>>>>> Mediawiki
>>>>>>>>>> configuration better than most people here, so it is great that
>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>  are
>>>>>>  going to coordinate with Jan to neutralize this attack.
>>>>>>>>> Jan will be leading the defense.  I'll be hanging around more in
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> background trying to explain why things are wonky with historical
>>>>>>>>> configuration :-)
>>>>>>>>> The Spam problem can definitely be delt with... just takes a bit of
>>>>>>>>> time to sort things out, do a few upgrades and a few configuration
>>>>>>>>> tweaks.
>>>>>>>>> Meanwhile anyone with current Wiki Admin rights is welcome to scan
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> "Recent changes" on the Wiki once in a while and:
>>>>>>>>>     - Delete Spam pages (created 1 page every 2 minutes on average)
>>>>>>>>>     - Block the spam accounts (I would suggest that you do not
>>>>>>>>> block
>>>>>>>>> IP
>>>>>>>>> address, a check box on the block page, because you risk blocking
>>>>>>>>> legit users on dynamic IPs)
>>>>>>>>> Clayton

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