
Would be good to understand the difference between the current approach
and what Jan suggested. If we believe that the current proposal is too
limited in functionality and also hard to extend later on, it might make
sense to work on a more generic solution from the beginning on. On the
other hand, if we can extend the current proposal easily, I see no
reason to build this incrementally.

@Jan: Can you summarize the differences from you point of view? You also
linked to KIP-353 in the VOTE thread -- how does it related to this KIP?


On 8/12/18 11:15 PM, Matt Farmer wrote:
> Ah, sorry, yes it does.
> On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 2:58 PM <> wrote:
>> Does this clarify ?
>> --
>>       Nick
>> On Aug 9, 2018, at 7:44 PM, wrote:
>> Since there are questions I changed the heading from VOTE to DISCUSS
>> On Aug 8, 2018, at 9:09 PM, Matt Farmer <> wrote:
>> s it worth spelling out explicitly what the behavior is when two topics
>> have the same priority? I'm a bit fuzzy on how we choose what topics to
>> consume from right now, if I'm being honest, so it could be useful to
>> outline the current behavior in the background and to spell out how that
>> would change (or if it would change) when two topics are given the same
>> priority.
>> I added an additional note in the KIP’s Compatibility section to clarify
>> that current behavior would not change in order to preserve backwards
>> compatibility.
>> Also, how does this play with max.poll.records? Does the consumer read from
>> all the topics in priority order until we've hit the number of records or
>> the poll timeout? Or does it immediately return the high priority records
>> without pulling low priority records?
>> My own interpretation would be to read from all the topics in priority
>> order as the consumer is subscribed to multiple topics.
>> --
>>       Nick

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