Does this clarify ?
> On Aug 9, 2018, at 7:44 PM, wrote:
> Since there are questions I changed the heading from VOTE to DISCUSS
>> On Aug 8, 2018, at 9:09 PM, Matt Farmer < <>>
>> wrote:
>> s it worth spelling out explicitly what the behavior is when two topics
>> have the same priority? I'm a bit fuzzy on how we choose what topics to
>> consume from right now, if I'm being honest, so it could be useful to
>> outline the current behavior in the background and to spell out how that
>> would change (or if it would change) when two topics are given the same
>> priority.
> I added an additional note in the KIP’s Compatibility section to clarify that
> current behavior would not change in order to preserve backwards
> compatibility.
>> Also, how does this play with max.poll.records? Does the consumer read from
>> all the topics in priority order until we've hit the number of records or
>> the poll timeout? Or does it immediately return the high priority records
>> without pulling low priority records?
> My own interpretation would be to read from all the topics in priority order
> as the consumer is subscribed to multiple topics.
> --
> Nick