Hello Ray,

I've added these two components. People should be able to use them creating
/ updating the JIRAs now.


On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 12:56 PM, Ray Chiang <rchi...@apache.org> wrote:

> I haven't seen any comments.  Let me know if/when you add the new
> components.  Thanks.
> -Ray
> On 7/27/18 9:54 PM, Guozhang Wang wrote:
>> Hello Ray,
>> Any PMC member of the project can add more components in the JIRA system.
>> If there is no objection in the next 72 hours I can just go ahead and add
>> them.
>> Guozhang
>> On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 1:50 PM, Ray Chiang <rchi...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Thanks Guozhang.  I'm good with the way the documentation is now.
>>> Is there any other procedure to follow to get "logging" and "mirrormaker"
>>> added as components or can we just request a JIRA admin to do that on
>>> this
>>> list?
>>> -Ray
>>> On 7/23/18 4:56 PM, Guozhang Wang wrote:
>>> I've just updated the web docs on http://kafka.apache.org/contributing
>>>> accordingly.
>>>> On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 3:30 PM, khaireddine Rezgui <
>>>> khaireddine...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Good job Ray for the wiki, it's clear enough.
>>>>> Le 23 juil. 2018 10:17 PM, "Ray Chiang" <rchi...@apache.org> a écrit :
>>>>> Okay, I've created a wiki page Reporting Issues in Apache Kafka
>>>>> <
>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/
>>>>> Reporting+Issues+in+Apache+Kafka>.
>>>>> I'd appreciate any feedback.  If this is good enough, I can file a JIRA
>>>>> to change the link under "Bugs" in the "Project information" page.
>>>>> -Ray
>>>>> On 7/23/18 11:28 AM, Ray Chiang wrote:
>>>>> Good point.  I'll look into adding some JIRA guidelines to the
>>>>>> documentation/wiki.
>>>>>> -Ray
>>>>>> On 7/22/18 10:23 AM, Guozhang Wang wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Ray,
>>>>>>> Thanks for brining this up. I'm generally +1 on the first two, while
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> the last category, personally I felt leaving them as part of `tools`
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> fine, but I'm also open for other opinions.
>>>>>>> A more general question though, is that today we do not have any
>>>>>>> guidelines
>>>>>>> to ask JIRA reporters to set the right component, i.e. it is purely
>>>>>>> best-effort, and we cannot disallow reporters to add any new
>>>>>>> component
>>>>>>> names. And so far the project does not really have a tradition to
>>>>>>> manage
>>>>>>> JIRA reports per-component, as the goal is to not "separate" the
>>>>>>> project
>>>>>>> into silos but recommending everyone to get hands on every aspect of
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> project.
>>>>>>> Guozhang
>>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 2:44 PM, Ray Chiang <rchi...@apache.org>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I've been doing a little bit of component cleanup in JIRA.  What do
>>>>>>>> people
>>>>>>>> think of adding
>>>>>>>> one or more of the following components?
>>>>>>>> - logging: For any consumer/producer/broker logging (i.e. log4j).
>>>>>>>> This
>>>>>>>> should help disambiguate from the "log" component (i.e. Kafka
>>>>>>>> messages).
>>>>>>>> - mirrormaker: There are enough requests specific to MirrorMaker
>>>>>>>> that it
>>>>>>>> could be put into its own component.
>>>>>>>> - scripts: I'm a little more ambivalent about this one, but any of
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> bin/*.sh script fixes could belong in their own category.  I'm not
>>>>>>>> sure if
>>>>>>>> other people feel strongly for how the "tools" component should be
>>>>>>>> used
>>>>>>>> w.r.t. the run scripts.
>>>>>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>>>>>> -Ray

-- Guozhang

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