Hi Ewen,

Thanks for reviewing the KIP.

Your comment about the "food for thought" section makes sense. It seems 
like a bug to me, not sure how you and others feel about it. I'll remove 
it for now, and open a separate JIRA for it, so we have a record of it.
The read vs. write discussion and fixing the confusion seems to be an even 
bigger task, and will be addressed in its own KIP, if necessary.

The KIP will be updated shortly.

Thanks again.

From:   Ewen Cheslack-Postava <e...@confluent.io>
To:     dev@kafka.apache.org
Cc:     Kafka User <us...@kafka.apache.org>
Date:   07/24/2017 10:36 AM
Subject:        Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-163: Lower the Minimum Required ACL 
Permission of OffsetFetch


Thanks for the KIP. I think we're mostly in violent agreement that the 
of any Write permissions on consumer groups is confusing. Unfortunately
it's a pretty annoying issue to fix since it would require an increase in
permissions. More generally, I think it's unfortunate because by squeezing
all permissions into the lowest two levels, we have no room for 
e.g. if we realize some permission needs to have a lower level of access
but higher than Describe, without adding new levels.

I'm +1 on the KIP. I don't think it's ideal given the discussion of Read 
Write since I think Read is the correct permission in theory, but given
where we are now it makes sense.

Regarding the extra food for thought, I think such a change would require
some plan for how to migrate people over to it. The main proposal in the
KIP works without any migration plan because it is reducing the required
permissions, but changing the requirement for listing a group to Describe
(Group) would be adding/changing the requirements, which would be 
incompatible. I'd be open to doing it, but it'd require some thought about
how it would impact users and how we'd migrate them to the updated rule 
just agree that it is a bug and that including upgrade notes would be


On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 1:12 PM, Vahid S Hashemian <
vahidhashem...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

> I'm bumping this up again to get some feedback, especially from some of
> the committers, on the KIP and on the note below.
> Thanks.
> --Vahid
> From:   "Vahid S Hashemian" <vahidhashem...@us.ibm.com>
> To:     dev@kafka.apache.org
> Cc:     "Kafka User" <us...@kafka.apache.org>
> Date:   06/21/2017 12:49 PM
> Subject:        Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-163: Lower the Minimum Required ACL
> Permission of OffsetFetch
> I appreciate everyone's feedback so far on this KIP.
> Before starting a vote, I'd like to also ask for feedback on the
> "Additional Food for Thought" section in the KIP:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
> 163%3A+Lower+the+Minimum+Required+ACL+Permission+of+OffsetFetch#KIP-163:
> I just added some more details in that section, which I hope further
> clarifies the suggestion there.
> Thanks.
> --Vahid

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