> On May 25, 2017, at 14:27, Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io> wrote:
> Thanks for the KIP Eno!
Yes, thank you Eno! It’s very welcome and heartening to see work on this front.

I have a few follow-ups to Matthias’ comments:

> Why we introduce `ExceptionType` and not just hand in the actual exception?

I was wondering this myself.

> As return type of `handle()` is void, how would the handler fail? By
> throwing an exception?

I was wondering this myself.

> Maybe it would be better to add a proper return
> type from the beginning on -- this might also make backward
> compatibility easier later on.

I agree, that would be very clear.

> With regard to `DeserializationException`, do you thing it might make
> sense to have a "dead letter queue" as a feature to provide out-of-the-box?

+1 that would be *fantastic*!



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