Thanks for the KIP Konstantine, +1 (binding) from me. One comment;

1. One thing to think about: the config name `module.path` could be
confusing in the future as Jigsaw introduces the concept of a module
path[1] in Java 9. The module path co-exists with the classpath, but its
behaviour is quite different. To many people's surprise, Jigsaw doesn't
handle versioning and it disallows split packages (i.e. if the same package
appears in 2 different modules, it is an error). What we are proposing is
quite different and perhaps it may make sense to use a different name to
avoid confusion.



On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 7:48 PM, Konstantine Karantasis <> wrote:

> ** Restarting the voting thread here, with a different title to avoid
> collapsing this thread's messages with the discussion thread's messages in
> mail clients. Apologies for the inconvenience. **
> Hi all,
> Given that the comments during the discussion seem to have been addressed,
> I'm pleased to bring
> KIP-146: Classloading Isolation in Connect
> 146+-+Classloading+Isolation+in+Connect
> up for voting. Again, this KIP aims to bring the highly desired feature of
> dependency isolation in Kafka Connect.
> In the meantime, for any additional feedback, please continue to send your
> comments in the discussion thread here:
> This voting thread will stay active for a minimum of 72 hours.
> Sincerely,
> Konstantine

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