Hi Vinay,

This was fixed via https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-3470 (will
be part of

On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 1:52 PM, vinay sharma <vinsharma.t...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I am using client API and facing an issue. As per my logs it seems
> that on each commitSync(Offsets) a heartbeat request is sent but after a
> metada refresh request till next poll(), commits do not send any hearbeat
> request.
> KafkaConsumers i create sometimes get session time out due to no hearbeat
> specially during longer processing times. I call CommitSync(offsets) after
> regular intervals to keep session alive when processing takes longer than
> usual. Every thing works fine if commit intervals are very small or if i
> commit after each record but if i commit lets say every 12 seconds and 30
> seconds is session time then i can see consumer getting timed out
> sometimes.
> Any help or pointers will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Vinay sharma

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