Thanks a bunch for taking this up, Ismael!

+1, I think it will be much more convenient to sunset RB and move to
github. Especially looking forward to the CIs on PRs and also the merge

Alas, my wonderful patch-review script will be retired :-)

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 6:12 AM, Ismael Juma <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Kafka currently uses a combination of Review Board and JIRA for
> contributions and code review. In my opinion, this makes contribution and
> code review a bit harder than it has to be.
> I think the approach used by Spark would improve the current situation:
> "Generally, Spark uses JIRA to track logical issues, including bugs and
> improvements, and uses Github pull requests to manage the review and merge
> of specific code changes. That is, JIRAs are used to describe what should
> be fixed or changed, and high-level approaches, and pull requests describe
> how to implement that change in the project's source code. For example,
> major design decisions are discussed in JIRA."[1]
> It's worth reading the wiki page for all the details, but I will summarise
> the suggested workflow for code changes:
>    1. Fork the Github repository at (if you
>    haven't already)
>    2. git checkout -b kafka-XXX
>    3. Make one or more commits (smaller commits can be easier to review and
>    reviewboard makes that hard)
>    4. git push origin kafka-XXX
>    5. Create PR against upstream/trunk (this will update JIRA
>    automatically[2] and it will send an email to the dev mailing list too)
>    6. A CI build will be triggered[3]
>    7. Review process happens on GitHub (it's quite handy to be able to
>    comment on both commit or PR-level, unlike Review Board)
>    8. Once all feedback has been addressed and the build is green, a
>    variant of the ``[4] script is used to squash, merge,
>    push, close the PR and JIRA issue. The squashed commit generated by the
>    script includes a bunch of useful information including links to the
>    original commits[5] (in the future, I think it's worth reconsidering the
>    squashing of commits, but retaining the information in the commit is
>    already an improvement)
> Neha merged a couple of commits via GitHub already and it went smoothly
> although we are still missing a few of the pieces described above:
>    1. CI builds triggered by GitHub PRs (this is supported by Apache Infra,
>    we need to request it for Kafka and provide whatever configuration is
>    needed)
>    2. Adapting Spark's merge_park_pr script and integrating it into the
>    kafka Git repository
>    3. Updating the Kafka contribution wiki and adding a to
>    the Git repository (this is shown when someone is creating a pull
> request)
>    4. Go through existing GitHub pull requests and close the ones that are
>    no longer relevant (there are quite a few as people have been opening
> them
>    over the years, but nothing was done about most of them)
>    5. Other things I may be missing
> I am volunteering to help with the above if people agree that this is the
> right direction for Kafka. Thoughts?
> Best.
> Ismael
> P.S. I was told in the Apache Infra HipChat that it's not currently
> possible (and there are no plans to change that in the near future) to use
> the GitHub merge button to merge PRs. The merge script does quite a few
> useful things that the merge button does not in any case.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]


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