The integration tests for the producer are in with the server since the dependency is that the server depends on the clients rather than vice versa). Only the mock tests are with the clients. You should be able to add to one of the tests in core/src/test/scala/integration/kafka/api/Producer*
On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 11:07 PM, Jaikiran Pai <> wrote: > I have been looking at some unassigned JIRAs to work on during some spare > time and found this one > As I note in that JIRA, I can see why this happens and have a potential fix > for it. But to first reproduce the issue and then verify the fix, I have > been attempting a testcase (in the clients). Some of the tests that are > already present (like SenderTest) use MockProducer which won't be relevant > in testing this issue, from what I see. > > So I need some inputs or pointers to create a test which will use the real > KafkaProducer/Sender/NetworkClient. My initial attempt at this uses the > TestUtils to create a (dummy) cluster, and that one fails for obvious > reasons (the client not receiving a metadata update over the wire from the > server): > > @Test > public void testFailedSend() throws Exception { > final TopicPartition tp = new TopicPartition("test", 0); > final String producedValue = "foobar"; > final ProducerRecord product = new ProducerRecord(tp.topic(), > producedValue); > final Cluster cluster = TestUtils.singletonCluster("test", 1); > final Node node = this.cluster.nodes().get(0); > final Properties kakfaProducerConfigs = new Properties(); > kakfaProducerConfigs.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, > + ":" + node.port()); > kakfaProducerConfigs.put(ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, > StringSerializer.class.getName()); > kakfaProducerConfigs.put(ProducerConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, > StringSerializer.class.getName()); > final Producer producer = new KafkaProducer(kakfaProducerConfigs); > > // This times out waiting for a metadata update from the server > for the cluster (because there isn't really any real server around) > final Future<RecordMetadata> futureAck = producer.send(product); > .... > > > Any pointers to existing tests? > > -Jaikiran >