I have been looking at some unassigned JIRAs to work on during some
spare time and found this one
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-1837. As I note in that
JIRA, I can see why this happens and have a potential fix for it. But to
first reproduce the issue and then verify the fix, I have been
attempting a testcase (in the clients). Some of the tests that are
already present (like SenderTest) use MockProducer which won't be
relevant in testing this issue, from what I see.
So I need some inputs or pointers to create a test which will use the
real KafkaProducer/Sender/NetworkClient. My initial attempt at this uses
the TestUtils to create a (dummy) cluster, and that one fails for
obvious reasons (the client not receiving a metadata update over the
wire from the server):
public void testFailedSend() throws Exception {
final TopicPartition tp = new TopicPartition("test", 0);
final String producedValue = "foobar";
final ProducerRecord product = new ProducerRecord(tp.topic(),
final Cluster cluster = TestUtils.singletonCluster("test", 1);
final Node node = this.cluster.nodes().get(0);
final Properties kakfaProducerConfigs = new Properties();
node.host() + ":" + node.port());
final Producer producer = new KafkaProducer(kakfaProducerConfigs);
// This times out waiting for a metadata update from the server
for the cluster (because there isn't really any real server around)
final Future<RecordMetadata> futureAck = producer.send(product);
Any pointers to existing tests?