Hi PoAn,

Thanks for the KIP. I have some comments about it.

DJ01: Please, remove all the code from the KIP. We only care about public
interface changes, not about implementation details.
DJ02: Regarding the hash computation, I agree that we should use Murmur3.
However, I don't quite like the implementation that you shared. I wonder if
we could make it work incrementally instead of computing a hash of
everything and combining them.
DJ03: Regarding the cache, my understanding is that the cache is populated
when a topic without hash is seen in a HB request and the cache is cleaned
up when topics are deleted based on the metadata image. However, the update
path is not clear. Let's say that a partition is added to a topic, how does
it detect it? Let's also imagine that the racks of a partition have
changed, how does it detect it? In the KIP, it would be nice to be clear
about those.
DJ04: I wonder whether we should go with a single hash per group. Your
argument against it is that it would require to re-compute the hash of all
the topics when it needs to be computed. In my opinion, we could leverage
the cached hash per topic to compute the hash of all the subscribed ones.
We could basically combine all the hashes without having to compute all of
them. This approach has a few benefits. 1) We could get rid of
the ConsumerGroupPartitionMetadata record as we could store the hash with
the group epoch. 2) We could get rid of the Map that we keep in each group
to store the hashed corresponding to the subscribed topics.
DJ05: Regarding the cache again, I wonder if we should actually store the
hash in the metadata image instead of maintaining it somewhere else. We
could still lazily compute it. The benefit is that the value would be tight
to the topic. I have not really looked into it. Would it be an option?

I'll be away for two weeks starting from Saturday. I kindly ask you to wait
on me if we cannot conclude this week.


On Tue, Nov 5, 2024 at 1:43 PM Frank Yang <yangp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Chia-Ping,
> Thanks for the review and suggestions.
> Q0: Add how rack change and how it affects topic partition.
> Q1: Add why we need a balance algorithm to Motivation section.
> Q2: After checking again, we don’t need to update cache when we replay
> records. We only need to renew it in consumer heartbeat.
> Q3: Add a new section “Topic Hash Function”.
> Thanks.
> PoAn
> > On Nov 1, 2024, at 4:39 PM, Chia-Ping Tsai <chia7...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > hi PoAn
> >
> > Thanks for for this KIP!
> >
> > Q0: Could you add more details about `A topic partition has rack change`?
> > IIRC, the "rack change" includes both follower and leader, right?
> >
> > Q1: Could you please add the 'concerns' we discussed to the Motivation
> > section? This should include topics like 'computations' and 'space
> usage'.
> >
> > Q2: `The group coordinator can leverage it to add a new topic hash.`This
> > description seems a bit off to me. Why do we need to update the cache at
> > this phase? The cache is intended to prevent duplicate computations
> caused
> > by heartbeat requests that occur between two metadata change events.
> > Therefore, we could even remove the changed topics from caches on a
> > metadata change, as the first heartbeat request would update the caches
> for
> > all changed topics.
> >
> > Q3: Could you please include a section about the choice of hash
> > implementation? The hash implementation must be consistent across
> different
> > JDKs, so we use Murmur3 to generate the hash value.
> >
> > Best,
> > Chia-Ping
> >
> >
> > Frank Yang <yangp...@gmail.com> 於 2024年11月1日 週五 下午3:57寫道:
> >
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> I would like to start a discussion thread on KIP-1101. Trigger rebalance
> >> on rack topology changes. In this KIP, we aim to use less memory / disk
> >> resources to detect rack changes in the new coordinator.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1101%3A+Trigger+rebalance+on+rack+topology+changes
> >>
> >> Please take a look and feel free to share any thoughts.
> >>
> >> Thanks.
> >> PoAn

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