Hi Chia-Ping,

Thanks for the review and suggestions.

Q0: Add how rack change and how it affects topic partition.

Q1: Add why we need a balance algorithm to Motivation section.

Q2: After checking again, we don’t need to update cache when we replay records. 
We only need to renew it in consumer heartbeat.

Q3: Add a new section “Topic Hash Function”.


> On Nov 1, 2024, at 4:39 PM, Chia-Ping Tsai <chia7...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi PoAn
> Thanks for for this KIP!
> Q0: Could you add more details about `A topic partition has rack change`?
> IIRC, the "rack change" includes both follower and leader, right?
> Q1: Could you please add the 'concerns' we discussed to the Motivation
> section? This should include topics like 'computations' and 'space usage'.
> Q2: `The group coordinator can leverage it to add a new topic hash.`This
> description seems a bit off to me. Why do we need to update the cache at
> this phase? The cache is intended to prevent duplicate computations caused
> by heartbeat requests that occur between two metadata change events.
> Therefore, we could even remove the changed topics from caches on a
> metadata change, as the first heartbeat request would update the caches for
> all changed topics.
> Q3: Could you please include a section about the choice of hash
> implementation? The hash implementation must be consistent across different
> JDKs, so we use Murmur3 to generate the hash value.
> Best,
> Chia-Ping
> Frank Yang <yangp...@gmail.com> 於 2024年11月1日 週五 下午3:57寫道:
>> Hi all,
>> I would like to start a discussion thread on KIP-1101. Trigger rebalance
>> on rack topology changes. In this KIP, we aim to use less memory / disk
>> resources to detect rack changes in the new coordinator.
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1101%3A+Trigger+rebalance+on+rack+topology+changes
>> Please take a look and feel free to share any thoughts.
>> Thanks.
>> PoAn

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