Yes, the ticket is related. Also just saw it today.
Did leave a comment on the ticket for Sophie to hopefully chime in on
this KIP discussion.
On 11/21/24 9:06 AM, Sebastien Viale wrote:
Thank you very much for your reviews!
A1 I will keep the configuration in the KIP
for now while waiting for other suggestions.
A2 I thought about making the implementation typesafe; it would, of course,
complicate the implementation, but for me,
this feature is intended for new Kafka Streams applications or those after a
reset. I agree with Matthias.
If a user wants to enable the check, they will simply need to avoid naming
topics like the auto-generated ones.
MJS-1 It might be a good idea to add your proposal to the KIP. I just wonder
how to distinguish configurations that must be set 'programmatically' from
others (e.g., topology optimization and this one)
I am open to any suggestions.
Is this ticket related to what you are proposing
De : Matthias J. Sax <>
Envoyé : jeudi 21 novembre 2024 02:48
À : <>
Objet : [EXT] Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-1111: Enforcing Explicit Naming for Kafka
Streams Internal Topics
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Thanks for the KIP. Overall this does sound useful.
About Almog's comments
(A1) -- I don't think that `topics.internal.require.explicit.naming`
would be a good name, as we use `topic.` prefix for actual topic
configs. Thus, KS would pickup `internal.require.explicit.naming` and
try to apply is as topic config what would either crash or log a
spurious WARN what would be annoying?
(A2) -- We would need to check the code if such a strategy would work as
expected? If users pass in a name for a previously un-named topic, we
might get an cascading index shift which might be undesired (and could
"break" processor level metrics)?
But I am also not sure if we actually need a migration path? If might be
ok if this new feature only work for new deployments? (Or use can re-set
their application.)
MJS-1: I have another question though about the risk such a config
implies? Given that configs are often managed from "outside", one could
easily break an exiting application which does not have this config
enable, by enable the config. Of course, we already have similar config
which are equally dangerous; however, most people don't like that one
need to pass in the config into `` method
anyway, so maybe we could make a first step to get rid of this via this KIP?
Thus, I am wondering if a config is actually the right way to go? Should
we instead make it feature of `StreamsBuilder` that one can enable
programmatically? Not 100% how we would do this, but maybe we could use
a builder pattern (to allow us to add similar thing in the future), and
deprecate the current constructor of `StreamsBuilder`?
// new way to build a `StreamsBuilder`
StreamsBuilder builder =;
// if we don't extend the scope of this KIP, we might also need:
StreamsBuilder builder =;
Or we do extend this KIP and deprecate existing config (like topology
optimization) if favor of the new builder pattern:
// enable the new feature
StreamsBuilder builder = StreamsBuilder.requireExplicitNaming().build();
// or
StreamsBuilder builder = StreamsBuilder.disableNameGeneration().build();
Thoughts? I am not 100% sure if this is a good idea or not, but thought
it cannot hurt to throw it out.
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On 11/18/24 12:57 PM, Almog Gavra wrote:
Hi Sebastien,
Thanks for the KIP! In general, I'm a fan of giving users the tools they
need to protect their organization so I'm supportive of this proposal. A
few nits and comments:
A1. [nit] consider 'topics.internal.require.explicit.naming' so that (a) we
can group anything else we introduce for "topics.internal" with the same
prefix and (b) it's not a double negative (don't disallow is the default,
instead of don't require).
A2. I think we can improve on the implementation by making it typesafe
instead of checking whether the topic matches some pattern. I think a
migration path for users that want to turn this flag on, but already have
some auto-generated names, is to manually specify the auto-generated names
for preexisting topics. This would enforce future topics naming, but not
penalize them for having used auto generated names in the past. This makes
the implementation a little more challenging, but I think it's worthwhile.
On Fri, Nov 15, 2024 at 12:20 AM Sebastien Viale <> wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I would like to start a discussion on KIP-1111: Enforcing Explicit Naming
for Kafka Streams Internal Topics<<>
This proposal aims to add a configuration that prevents a Kafka Streams
application from starting if any of its internal topics have auto-generated