Hi Sebastien,

Thanks for the KIP! In general, I'm a fan of giving users the tools they
need to protect their organization so I'm supportive of this proposal. A
few nits and comments:

A1. [nit] consider 'topics.internal.require.explicit.naming' so that (a) we
can group anything else we introduce for "topics.internal" with the same
prefix and (b) it's not a double negative (don't disallow is the default,
instead of don't require).
A2. I think we can improve on the implementation by making it typesafe
instead of checking whether the topic matches some pattern. I think a
migration path for users that want to turn this flag on, but already have
some auto-generated names, is to manually specify the auto-generated names
for preexisting topics. This would enforce future topics naming, but not
penalize them for having used auto generated names in the past. This makes
the implementation a little more challenging, but I think it's worthwhile.


On Fri, Nov 15, 2024 at 12:20 AM Sebastien Viale <
sebastien.vi...@michelin.com> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I would like to start a discussion on KIP-1111: Enforcing Explicit Naming
> for Kafka Streams Internal Topics<
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1111%3A+Enforcing+Explicit+Naming+for+Kafka+Streams+Internal+Topics
> >
> This proposal aims to add a configuration that prevents a Kafka Streams
> application from starting if any of its internal topics have auto-generated
> names.
> Regards,
> Sébastien

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