Hi all,

I see that leaveGroup has been renamed as releaseStaticMember. I hate to ask, 
but what is the behavior when a user sets this to true for a non-static member? 
Should it just work, log a warning, throw an error, or?
I think I’m actually OK with leaving it as leaveGroup with a lot of 
documentation that warns users away from changing it arbitrarily.


> On Sep 26, 2024, at 7:32 AM, TengYao Chi <kiting...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Chia-Ping
> I got your point and updated the content of KIP accordingly.
> Please take a look and let me know what you think.
> Best,
> TengYao
> Chia-Ping Tsai <chia7...@apache.org> 於 2024年9月26日 週四 下午8:41寫道:
>> Dear all,
>> The main purpose is to allow consumers to leave a group permanently, even
>> if they have a static member ID. Additionally, we don't have insights into
>> the use case where a dynamic member might not want to leave the group.
>> Therefore, should we enhance the close option to support our goal—allowing
>> static members to leave the group when closing the consumer? This means the
>> flag should be renamed to 'releaseStaticMember.
>> Best,
>> Chia-Ping
>> On 2024/09/25 03:22:17 TengYao Chi wrote:
>>> Hi Kirk,
>>> Thanks for your feedback and questions!
>>> KT1:
>>> While it might seem that there’s no immediate benefit for non-Kafka
>> Streams
>>> applications to set `leaveGroup=false`, we still offer this option for
>>> consistency with `KafkaStreams#CloseOptions` and to provide flexibility
>> for
>>> future features. However, I agree with your concern that users might
>> misuse
>>> this option, leading to potential throughput issues. To avoid this, we
>>> could include documentation that strongly recommends setting
>>> `leaveGroup=true` unless the user fully understands the implications of
>>> leaving it as `false`.
>>> KT2:
>>> Thanks for the reminder.
>>> I have updated the KIP to include the actual API changes. Please take a
>>> look .
>>> KT3:
>>> I believe we should respect the timeout setting, as this offers several
>> key
>>> advantages. First, as Chia-Ping mentioned, it gives users more control
>> over
>>> the close process, allowing them to better manage their application flow.
>>> Second, as a public interface, users will expect the timeout parameter to
>>> act as a contract between Kafka and the user. If the consumer does not
>>> respect this setting, it could lead to confusion and force users to
>>> implement unnecessary workarounds. Ensuring that the `close()` operation
>>> honors the provided timeout will lead to a more predictable and
>>> user-friendly API.
>>> Thanks again for your questions.
>>> Let me know if you have any further comments.
>>> Best,
>>> TengYao
>>> Chia-Ping Tsai <chia7...@gmail.com> 於 2024年9月25日 週三 上午4:51寫道:
>>>> hi Kirk
>>>>> KT1: Why would a non-Kafka Streams application want to set
>>>> leaveGroup=false? Because Kafka Streams manages the group membership
>>>> assignment under the covers, it can re-assign partitions to a new
>> Consumer
>>>> when the old one closes. But in a non-Kafka Streams application,
>> doesn’t
>>>> this just leave the partitions assigned until the coordinator kicks the
>>>> member out of the group?
>>>> That's definitely a great question. I don’t have a clear answer
>> regarding
>>>> whether leaveGroup=false means not sending a LEAVE_GROUP request, but I
>>>> have a crazy idea—what if leaveGroup=false means temporarily leaving
>> the
>>>> group? My idea is that we could potentially integrate dynamic members
>> with
>>>> static members.
>>>> Here’s how it could work with changes to the new protocol and consumer:
>>>>   1. The new consumer will exclusively use static members. If a user
>>>>   doesn't specify one, the new consumer will automatically generate it
>>>>   (similar to KIP-1082).
>>>>   2. Users can define a close option to either leave the group
>> permanently
>>>>   or temporarily.
>>>> This approach offers several advantages:
>>>>   1. It addresses the needs of Kafka Streams (if they start to use new
>>>>   consumer)
>>>>   2. It simplifies the new coordinator, protocol, and consumer, as
>> they no
>>>>   longer need to handle two types of members.
>>>>   3. It addresses KIP-1082. The new consumer always sends a
>>>>   request during closing, even if it hasn't received a response from
>> the
>>>>   server.
>>>>> KT3: Does setting leaveGroup=true carry the *guarantee* that the
>> member
>>>> will leave the group? I’m currently battling some edge cases where
>> close()
>>>> is called with a zero timeout and it times out before the consumer can
>>>> leave the group cleanly.
>>>> In my opinion, this is a trade-off between 'not honoring the timeout'
>> and
>>>> 'creating ghost members.' However, I prefer honoring the timeout, as it
>>>> provides users with more control over the 'close' process. We should
>> trust
>>>> that users fully understand the options they choose.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Chia-Ping
>>>> Kirk True <k...@kirktrue.pro> 於 2024年9月24日 週二 上午8:37寫道:
>>>>> Hi TengYao,
>>>>> Thanks for writing up this KIP :)
>>>>> Questions:
>>>>> KT1: Why would a non-Kafka Streams application want to set
>>>>> leaveGroup=false? Because Kafka Streams manages the group membership
>>>>> assignment under the covers, it can re-assign partitions to a new
>>>> Consumer
>>>>> when the old one closes. But in a non-Kafka Streams application,
>> doesn’t
>>>>> this just leave the partitions assigned until the coordinator kicks
>> the
>>>>> member out of the group?
>>>>> KT2: Can you add the actual API changes to the KIP?
>>>>> KT3: Does setting leaveGroup=true carry the *guarantee* that the
>> member
>>>>> will leave the group? I’m currently battling some edge cases where
>>>> close()
>>>>> is called with a zero timeout and it times out before the consumer
>> can
>>>>> leave the group cleanly.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Kirk
>>>>>> On Sep 22, 2024, at 9:26 PM, TengYao Chi <kiting...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>>> I would like to start a discussion thread on KIP-1092
>>>>>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/JQstEw>, which proposes
>>>> extending
>>>>>> Consumer#close with an option to leave the consumer group or not.
>>>>>> Please take a look and let me know what you think, and I would
>>>> appreciate
>>>>>> any suggestions and feedback.
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> TengYao

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