Hi Lianet,
Thanks for your comments.

LM1. Admin.listGroups() in principle needs to be able to return
results from any version of the ListGroups RPC. The older versions do
not contain the group type, so I think it’s reasonable to have
Optional<GroupType>. I think there’s a difference between
Optional.empty (I don’t know the group type) and
GroupType.UNKNOWN (I know and do not understand the group type).
As a result, I’ve changed the KIP to use Optional<GroupType>.

I think that changing ConsumerGroupListing to extend
GroupListing, and to do the same for ShareGroupListing makes sense.
This does require that the overridden methods such as type() have
signatures that match today’s definition of ConsumerGroupListing but
that’s fine with the change I made to use Optional<GroupType> above.

LM2. I think it’s possible to do something with generics along the
lines you described.

* public abstract class AbstractListGroupsResult<T extends GroupListing>
* public class ListGroupsResult extends AbstractListGroupsResult<GroupListing>
* public class ListConsumerGroupsResult extends 

This does make the javadoc for ListConsumerGroupsResult less
readable because its methods are now all inherited. The classes
such as ListConsumerGroupsResult of course still have to exist
but the implementation is very slim.

What do you think of this? I haven’t yet updated the KIP in this

LM3. I have been kicking around the syntax for kafka-group.sh
for a while now and I too am not happy with the filters yet. I absolutely
want to be able to display all consumer groups with a simple option,
but history means that not a single filter under the covers.

I suggest the following:
--group-type which supports all group types
--protocol which supports any string for protocol (there’s no enumeration)
--consumer which matches all classic and modern consumer groups
 (and is thus a confection made by filtering on both group type and protocol).

I’ve changed the KIP accordingly. Let me know what you think.


> On 12 Jul 2024, at 21:48, Lianet M. <liane...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Andrew, thanks for the KIP, we definitely need visibility from a higher
> level now that groups are growing.
> LM1. Should we have the existing
> org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.ConsumerGroupListing extend the GroupListing
> you’re proposing? ConsumerGroupListing already exists with a very similar
> shape, and this would allow to set a common ground for the existing group
> types, and the ones that are coming up (share groups and KS groups). Side
> note, the existing ConsumerGroupListing has the type as Optional, but given
> that the GroupType enum has an UNKNOWN type, I don’t quite get the need for
> Optional and seems ok to me as you’re proposing it.
> LM2: if the point above makes sense, it would allow us to consider changing
> the new ListGroupResult you’re proposing to make it generic and potentially
> reused by all group types:
> public class ListGroupsResult {
> public KafkaFuture<Collection<? extends GroupListing>> all()
> public KafkaFuture<Collection<? extends GroupListing>> valid() {    }
> public KafkaFuture<Collection<Throwable>> errors() {    }
> }
> Makes sense? With this, maybe we won’t need specific result classes for
> each group (like the existing ListConsumerGroupsResult), given that in the
> end it’s just a wrapper around the GroupListing (which is what each group
> type would redefine).
> LM3. I get how you're playing with the filters for group types and
> protocol, but then I find it confusing how we end up with filters that do
> not match the output ( --group-type that matches the protocol from the
> output and not the type for "consumer"  example). What about having the
> –group-type filter on the actual GroupType field of the RPC response (shown
> in the cmd line output as TYPE); and add a –protocol-type that would filter
> on the ProtocolType field of  RPC response (shown in the cmd line output as
> PROTOCOL). We would have the filters aligned with the output for all cases,
> which seems more consistent.
> Thanks!
> Lianet
> On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 8:16 AM Andrew Schofield <andrew_schofi...@live.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Kirk,
>> Thanks for your comments.
>> 1. I’m a big fan of consistency in these things and the method signatures
>> match
>> ListConsumerGroupsResult and ListShareGroupsResult.
>> 2. Yes, client-side filtering.
>> 3. I didn’t offer “classic” as an option for --group-type. I’ve kicked the
>> options
>> around in my mind for a while and I decided that using --group-type as a
>> way of
>> filtering types in a way that a normal user would understand them was a
>> good
>> place to start. For example, I didn’t have `--protocol consumer` for
>> consumer groups
>> and `--group-type share` for share groups, even though that’s technically
>> more
>> correct.
>> Since KIP-848, the set of consumer groups is actually formed from those
>> which
>> use the classic protocol and those which use the modern protocol. This tool
>> gives you both together when you use `--group-type consumer`, which is
>> exactly
>> what kafka-consumer-groups.sh does.
>> Do you think - -group-type classic is helpful? It would give a list of all
>> groups using
>> any variant of the classic group protocol. I can easily add it.
>> 4, 5. Yes, maybe the wording of the message could improve. These things
>> are always
>> tricky. I went with “Group CG1 is not a share group.” because it doesn’t
>> require the tool
>> to interpret the group type in order to generate the message.
>> Imagine this scenario. You are using kafka-share-groups.sh --describe and
>> you’ve
>> used the group ID of a consumer group. Here are some options:
>> a) “Group CG1 is not a share group.”
>> b) “Incorrect group type (Consumer). Group CG1 is not a share group.”
>> c) “Group CG1 has the wrong type for this operation. It is not a share
>> group."
>> I don’t think “There is already a (consumer) group named ‘CG1’” is quite
>> right.
>> Any preference?
>> 6. Yes, it is a change in behaviour which is why I mention it in the KIP.
>> Personally, I think that’s OK because the existing message is misleading
>> and could definitely cause frustration. Let’s see what other reviewers
>> think.
>> Thanks,
>> Andrew
>>> On 6 Jun 2024, at 00:44, Kirk True <k...@kirktrue.pro> wrote:
>>> Hi Andrew,
>>> Thanks for the KIP! I don’t have much experience as a Kafka operator,
>> but this seems like a very sane proposal.
>>> Questions & comments:
>>> 1. Do you think the ListGroupsResult.all() method is a bit of a
>> potential ‘foot gun’? I can imagine cases where developers reach for that
>> without understanding its potential of throwing errors. It could lead to
>> cases where all() works in development but not in production.
>>> 2. Based on the LIST_GROUPS RPC, it appears that filtering is all
>> performed client side, correct? (I know that’s not specific to this KIP,
>> but just want to make sure I understand.)
>>> 3. For kafka-groups.sh --list, is ‘classic’ valid for --group-type? If
>> so, should we allow users of kafka-groups.sh --list to provide multiple
>> --group-type arguments?
>>> 4. In the last kafka-share-groups.sh --create example (“ConsumerGroup”),
>> the error simply states that “Group 'ConsumerGroup’ is not a share group.”
>> I’m assuming that’s the case where the user gets a failure when there’s
>> already a group named “ConsumerGroup”, right? If so, the error should be
>> something like “There is already a (consumer) group named ’ConsumerGroup’”.
>>> 5. In the last kafka-share-groups.sh --describe example, how hard is it
>> to add the type of group that CG1 is, just for a bit of clarity for the
>> user?
>>> 6. In the kafka-consumer-groups.sh section, it states "if that group
>> exists but is not a consumer group, the command fails with a message
>> indicating that the group type is incorrect, rather than the existing
>> message that the group does not exist.” That sounds like a change that
>> could trip up some brittle scripts somewhere, but I don’t know if that’s a
>> serious problem.
>>> Thanks!
>>>> On Jun 4, 2024, at 10:08 AM, Andrew Schofield <
>> andrew_schofi...@live.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I would like to start a discussion thread on KIP-1043: Administration
>> of groups. This KIP enhances the command-line tools to make it easier to
>> administer groups on clusters with a variety of types of groups.
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1043%3A+Administration+of+groups
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Andrew

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