Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the KIP! I don’t have much experience as a Kafka operator, but this 
seems like a very sane proposal.

Questions & comments:

1. Do you think the ListGroupsResult.all() method is a bit of a potential ‘foot 
gun’? I can imagine cases where developers reach for that without understanding 
its potential of throwing errors. It could lead to cases where all() works in 
development but not in production.

2. Based on the LIST_GROUPS RPC, it appears that filtering is all performed 
client side, correct? (I know that’s not specific to this KIP, but just want to 
make sure I understand.)

3. For kafka-groups.sh --list, is ‘classic’ valid for --group-type? If so, 
should we allow users of kafka-groups.sh --list to provide multiple 
--group-type arguments?

4. In the last kafka-share-groups.sh --create example (“ConsumerGroup”), the 
error simply states that “Group 'ConsumerGroup’ is not a share group.” I’m 
assuming that’s the case where the user gets a failure when there’s already a 
group named “ConsumerGroup”, right? If so, the error should be something like 
“There is already a (consumer) group named ’ConsumerGroup’”.

5. In the last kafka-share-groups.sh --describe example, how hard is it to add 
the type of group that CG1 is, just for a bit of clarity for the user?

6. In the kafka-consumer-groups.sh section, it states "if that group exists but 
is not a consumer group, the command fails with a message indicating that the 
group type is incorrect, rather than the existing message that the group does 
not exist.” That sounds like a change that could trip up some brittle scripts 
somewhere, but I don’t know if that’s a serious problem.


> On Jun 4, 2024, at 10:08 AM, Andrew Schofield <andrew_schofi...@live.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to start a discussion thread on KIP-1043: Administration of 
> groups. This KIP enhances the command-line tools to make it easier to 
> administer groups on clusters with a variety of types of groups.
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1043%3A+Administration+of+groups
> Thanks.
> Andrew

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